No room No room Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share No room No room Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Rattlebones, Windy Nights and Who Ate The Sun so, you can check these posts as well.

No room No room Questions & Answers

Question 1: What were the March Hare and the Halter doing when Alice saw them?

Answer: The March Hare and the Halter were having tea when Alice saw them.

Question 2: Did they invite Alice to tea?

Answer: No, they didn’t invite Alice to tea.

Question 3: Alice got upset thrice with either the March Hare or the Halter. What was the reason in each case?

Answer: The first time Alice got upset was when the March Hare offered her wine which was not on the table. Second was when the Halter made a personal remark about her hair. Third was when the Halter asked riddle to her which he himself did not know the answer.

Question 4: Why is it rude to make personal remarks?

Answer: It is rude to make personal remarks because it can hurt the person concerned.

Question 5: What is a riddle?

Answer: A riddle is a question which has a hint pointing to the answer.

Question 6: Choose the correct option. You can choose more than one option.

1. Alice was happy when the Halter asked her if she knew why a raven was like a writing desk because

(a) she thought it was a funny question.
(b) she felt it was a riddle and she liked riddles.
(c) she thought the Halter was being friendly.

2. “It is the same thing with you,” said the Halter. He meant

(a) the Dormouse slept all the time.
(b) the Dormouse didn’t say what he meant.
(c) the Dormouse didn’t know what he was saying.

3. Alice thought over all she could remember about ravens and writing desks

(a) because she wanted to talk about ravens and writing desks.
(b) because everyone else was quiet.
(c) so that she could think of an answer to the riddle.

4. The Hatter looked at his watch uneasily because

(a) he wasn’t sure of the time.
(b) he felt it wasn’t working properly.
(c) he was trying to make it work.

5. The riddle the Halter asked

(a) was a difficult one.
(b) had no answer.
(c) was a waste of time.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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