Nonsense Literature Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Nonsense Literature Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Sindbad and the Apes, Ravi Arrives and David at the House of Shaws so, you can check these posts as well.

Nonsense Literature Questions & Answers

Question 1: Pioneers in a particular field are the first few people to be involved develop it. Who were the pioneers of nonsense literature in English.

Answer: Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll were the pioneers of nonsense literature in English.

Question 2: Underline the coined word in this verse. When awful darkness and silence reign over the great Gromboolian plain. / Through the long long wintery night; / When the angry breakers roar / As they beat on the rocky shore….

Answer: Gromboolian

Question 3: Why was Alice standing with her hands ready to catch Humpty Dumpty?

Answer: Alice was standing with her hands ready to catch Humpty Dumpty because he was a round figure sitting on a high, but narrow wall. She felt that he would not be able to maintain his balance on the wall for long and could fall any moment.

Question 4: Read and answer the questions:

“It’s very provoking to be called an egg-very!”

(a) Who said this to whom?

Answer: Humpty Dumpty said these words to Alice.

(b) The word provoking means irritating/ funny.

Answer: The word ‘provoking’ means ‘irritating’.

(c) Why was the character called an egg?

Answer: Humpty Dumpty was called an egg because he had a large oval shaped head that looked much bigger than the rest of his body.

Question 5: Read and answer the questions:

It was not at all like conversation, she thought.

(a) Who is ‘She’?

Answer: ‘She’ refers to Alice.

(b) Why was it not like a conversation?

Answer: Alice felt it was not like a conversation because Humpty Dumpty never appeared to say anything to her. In fact, he appeared to address a tree rather than her.

Question 6: “Must a name mean something?” Who said this, to whom and why?

Answer: Alice asked Humpty Dumpty this question. She asked this because Humpty Dumpty had asked her what her name meant. She felt that every name need not have a meaning.

Question 7: To listen at doors is to listen secretly to what someone is saying. Why did Humpty Dumpty say “You have been listening at doors”? Who did he say it to? Was that person actually ‘listening at doors’?

Answer: When Alice asked Humpty Dumpty if he didn’t worry about falling from the high and narrow wall, he said that if he ever fell off, the King had promised him to…. Alice finished the sentence with, ‘To send all his horses and all his men’. At this Humpty Dumpty took offence and accused Alice of listening at doors.

Question 8: When did Upendrakishore Ray start a magazine for children? What was it called?

Answer: Upendrakishore Ray started a magazine for children in May 1913. It was called ‘Sandesh’.

Question 9: List two features of nonsense literature.

Answer: Nonsense literature is a humorous world of absurd characters and unexpected happenings. For instance, animals talk like humans, and people shoot up or shrink in size.

Question 10: A stuffed figure is a toy made of cloth and filled with a soft material like cotton. Why did Alice think that Humpty Dumpty was a stuffed figure?

Answer: Alice thought that Humpy Dumpty was a stuffed figure because he was shaped like an egg, and he took no notice of her as his eyes were steadily fixed in the opposite direction.

So, these were Nonsense Literature Questions & Answers.

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