Hi Everyone!! This article will share On The Streets of London Questions & Answers.
In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Where Tigers Swim, Coromandel Fishers and Hope Is The Thing With Feathers so, you can check these posts as well.
On The Streets of London Questions & Answers
Question 1: What did Oliver do for a whole week?
Answer: For a whole reek, Oliver walked during the day and slept in the fields at night. Some kind people gave him food and water.
Question 2: Who did Oliver first meet when he arrive in London?
Answer: When Oliver arrived in London, he first met Jack Dawkins.
Question 3: Describe the appearance of Jack Dawkins.
Answer: Jack Dawkins was wearing a man’s coat, which reached almost to the ground, and an old top hat.
Question 4: How long Oliver had been on the road?
Answer: Oliver had been on the road for seven days.
Question 5: What was the other name of Jack Dawkins?
Answer: The other name of Jack Dawkins was Artful Dodger.
Question 6: Where did Jack Dawkins take Oliver?
Answer: Jack Dawkins took Oliver to an old house in one of the poorest areas of the city.
Question 7: Describe the walls and ceiling of the room where Oliver went with Jack Dawkins?
Answer: The walls and ceiling of the room where Oliver went with Jack Dawkins were black with smoke and dirt. A lot of colourful silk handkerchiefs were hanging on a line across the room.
Question 8: What did Oliver see when he enter the room with Jack Dawkins?
Answer: When Oliver enter the room with Jack Dawkins, he saw an old man with long, greasy red hair who was cooking some meat in a pan over the fire. There were a few young boys sitting around a table.
Question 9: What was the name of the old man?
Answer: The name of the old man was Mr Fagin.
Question 10: What was the reaction of Mr Fagin and other boys when they met Oliver?
Answer: The old man smiled, showing long, yellow teeth like a rat, and shook Oliver’s hand. The boys all jumped up and shook Oliver’s hand too. One boy took his cap, another his handkerchief, and a third checked his pockets. The old man laughed and hit the boys playfully with the fork.
Question 11: Who was the friend of Jack Dawkins?
Answer: Charley Bates was the friend of Jack Dawkins.
Question 12: What did Jack and Charley give to Mr Fagin?
Answer: Jack gave Fagin two well-made wallets and Charley four silk handkerchiefs.
Question 13: What did Mr Fagin offer Oliver to learn from him? Did Oliver agree?
Answer: Mr Fagin offered Oliver to learn to steal everyday and come home with wallets and handkerchiefs. Yes, Oliver agreed to learn from Mr Fagin.
Question 14: Which game did Fagin play with the boys to make Oliver learn how to steal?
Answer: Fagin put some things into his pockets and asked the boys to take them out secretly. If Fagin felt a hand in his pocket or saw one of the boys, Fagin was the winner. If the boys got the things without Fagin noticing, then they won the game. That was the game that Fagin played to make the boys learn how to steal.
Question 15: When did Oliver get to know that Jack and Charley were thieves?
Answer: Once, Fagin let Oliver go out with Jack and Charley. For a long time they walked around slowly, then suddenly Jack stopped and pointed towards an old gentleman, standing outside a bookshop reading a book and whispered something to Charley. Oliver didn’t understand. He couldn’t see anything special about the old gentleman. Jack and Charley walked slowly towards him, then, quick as a flash, Jack pulled the handkerchief out of the old man’s pocket and the two boys disappeared round the corner. It was then that Oliver understood that Jack and Chancy were thieves.
Question 16: Why do you think Jack helped Oliver?
Answer: Jack was a member of Mr Fagin’s group which was actually a group of thieves. When he saw Oliver alone helpless, he thought to include him in his group.
Question 17: Why do you think the old gentleman helped Oliver?
Answer: The old gentleman helped Oliver because he believed that Oliver was not the thief by looking at his pale face and innocent frightened eyes. He understood that Oliver was ill and so, took him to his home.
So, these were On The Streets of London Questions & Answers.