Out With The Goats Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Out With The Goats Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Rocket Women of India, Young Kalam and Baby Land so, you can check these posts as well.

Out With The Goats Questions & Answers

Question 1: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. Heidi was very sad when she woke up in the morning – False
2. Heidi was excited to go to the mountain with Peter and the goats – True
3. Heidi did not want to wash up before going to the mountain – False
4. Heidi filed her apron with flowers – True
5. Heidi was very tired and stretched herself on the ground – False

Question 2: What did Heidi see outside the hut as soon as she woke up?

Answer: Heidi saw Peter with his flock of goats and her grandfather outside the hut as soon as she woke up. Her grandfather was bringing two goats out of the shed to join the others.

Question 3: What did Heidi do when she saw the brightly-coloured flowers?

Answer: When Heidi saw the brightly-coloured flowers, she ran here and there shouting with joy. She was so excited that she ran in front and then off to the side. She filled her apron with flowers.

Question 4: Where was Heidi when Peter called out to her?

Answer: When Peter called out to Heidi, she was sitting on the ground at the foot of a small hill where lots of sweet-smelling prunella had grown.

Question 5: Why did Heidi enjoy sitting at the foot of the hill?

Answer: Heidi enjoyed sitting at the foot of the hill because she loved the scent of prunellas. She felt she had never smelt anything as delicious. She kept drawing in deep breaths of the scented air.

Question 6: How did Heidi react when Peter spoke about the bird of prey?

Answer: When Peter spoke about the bird of prey, Heidi immediately jumped to her feet and ran to Peter.

Question 7: Why did Peter’s last argument convince Heidi?

Answer: Peter’s last argument convinced Heidi because she did not want to gather all the flowers and have none for the next day. She wanted some for the next day too.

Question 8: Read these lines and answer the questions:

1. “Do you want to go with them on to the mountain?”

(a) Who is ‘them’?

Answer: ‘Them’ refers to Peter and the goats.

(b) How does the listener react on hearing this question?

Answer: Heidi jumps with joy on hearing this question.

2. “No, there is nothing for him to laugh at now,” he assured her.

(a) Who is ‘him’?

Answer: ‘Him’ refers to the sun.

(b) Why will he not laugh now?

Answer: The sun will not laugh now because Heidi has had her bath and is tidy.

3. “You are not to fall over the rocks; your grandfather gave orders that you were not to do so.”

(a) Who did grandfather give the orders to and why?

Answer: Grandfather gave the orders to Peter to take care of Heidi so that she does not fall over the rocks and hurt herself.

(b) Why was there a chance for the listener to fall over the rocks?

Answer: There was a chance for Heidi to fall over the rocks because she was not familiar with the place and may fall unknowingly.

Question 9: Grandfather says the sun will laugh at Heidi for being dirty. Will the sun really laugh at Heidi? What does grandfather want to convey here?

Answer: No, the sun will not really laugh at Heidi. Grandfather actually stresses on being clean and tidy.

So, these were Out With The Goats Questions & Answers.

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