Pepper The Phantom Pet Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Pepper The Phantom Pet Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Arithmetic Poem and A Prophecy Comes True so, you can check these posts as well.

Pepper The Phantom Pet Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option to describe Pia’s pet.

(a) a Capuchin monkey
(b) twin Persian cats
(c) an Angora rabbit
(d) a street dog

Answer: (a) a Capuchin monkey

Question 2: What is the mood of the class when the teacher enters?

Answer: The class is unruly and in chaos. The children are either playing or fighting and there is a lot of noise being made.

Question 3: How does the teacher deal with the situation?

Answer: The teacher walks into the class bravely ignoring the misbehaved children’s requests and tells them that they are to learn about domestic animals.

Question 4: What is Pia’s reputation in the class?

Answer: Pia has a reputation for being an animal lover. She talks about animals all the time.

Question 5: Why is she worried when the teacher makes every student talk about his/her pet? Is her worry justified?

Answer: Pia is worried when the teacher makes every student talk about their pet because she feels that, being known, as the animal expert among them, they would expect her to have some exotic pets. Her worry is justified. As she stands up to speak about her pet, some of her classmates already begin murmuring about how it must be something rare.

Question 6: What does Pia do when it is her turn?

Answer: When it is her turn, Pia hesitates to name her pet. Due to the pressure she feels to thrill the rest of the class and maintain her reputation, she blurts out that her pet is a monkey.

Question 7: How does Pia’s lie about having a Capuchin monkey lead to more trouble for her?

Answer: Pia’s lie about having a Capuchin monkey leads to more trouble when another student suggests she bring the monkey to school and her teacher agrees.

Question 8: Note that in certain parts of the play, Pia addresses the audience and not the characters in the play. She confides in us that she is lying and tries to gain our sympathy. Does she succeed?

Answer: Yes, Pia does succeed in gaining our sympathy.

Question 9: Do the following people find out that she is lying?

(i) Her classmates
(ii) The teacher
(iii) The principal

Answer: None of them found out that Pia was lying. We can tell this by the genuine disappointment they showed when Avik told them that the monkey was on its way back to South America.

Pepper The Phantom Pet Questions & Answers

Question 10: What excuse does Pia give for not wanting her parents to be called?

Answer: Pia tells the Principal that both of her parents are at very important meetings.

Question 11: The Principal sends for her brother.

(a) Does he help her?

Answer: Yes, Pia’s brother helps her out of the muddle she got herself in.

(b) Does he satisfy the Principal?

Answer: Yes, Avik, Pia’s brother, satisfies the Principal, with his ‘revelation’ that the monkey is being sent back to South America.

Question 12: I guess that ended the best it could. How does the play end? What is Pia’s mood at this point?

Answer: The play ends with the Principal, the teacher and the students learning, from Avik, that the monkey cannot be brought to school as it already has been sent away. At this point, Pia’s mood is one primarily of relief, although she is slightly annoyed that her brother got a maths test lined up for her.

Question 13: The adjective phantom is used for something which you think you see or hear, but which is not real. Discuss why Pepper is called the Phantom Pet?

Answer: ‘Pepper the Phantom Pet’ is a story about a little girl named Pia who has a special friend named Pepper. Pepper is not an ordinary pet, he is a phantom pet, which means he is invisible to everyone except Pia.

Question 14: Is Pia’s brother elder to her? How can you tell?

Answer: Yes, Pia’s brother is elder to her. We can tell from the context in the story that describes their interactions and responsibilities.

Question 15: Do you think the Principal is both sensitive and fair?

Answer: Yes, the Principal is both sensitive and fair. The principal shows understanding and empathy towards students’ feelings and situations.

Question 16: Explain how Pia fell into the trap of lying because of her reputation for knowledge in the class. Do you think that justifies her conduct? Why? Why not?

Answer: As Pia had a reputation for being an ‘animal expert’ and she always talked about animals, she feared that revealing to the class that the only pet she had was a street dog that spent half his time outside would cause disappointment and damage her reputation.

I don’t think that her conduct is justified. Having a street dog that spends half his time outside is by no means something to be ashamed of.

Question 17: With the help of the words exchanged between Pia, Avik and the Principal, can you comment on the nature of the relationship which the brother and the sister share?

Answer: Avik and Pia are extremely close. Avik, who knows his sister well, quickly catches on to the story she has made up about Pepper, the monkey without the principal noticing. However, they are not above pulling a prank or two on each other as we can observe from Avik’s suggestion of giving Pia a maths test as she pinches him repeatedly. Ultimately, Avik got Pia out of the trouble she was in.

So, these were Pepper The Phantom Pet Questions & Answers.

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