Peter Pan In Kensington Gardens Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Peter Pan In Kensington Gardens Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Dorothy Meets a Good Witch, A Day’s Wait and Paper Boats so, you can check these posts as well.

Peter Pan In Kensington Gardens Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why was Peter Pan surprised by the fairies’ behaviour?

Answer: Fairies and birds have their arguments but fairies are generally polite to birds. Peter Pan thought that he was a bird, and he wanted to ask the fairies for help. But all the fairies he met or went to ran away from him. This surprised and confused him.

Question 2: What does ‘half-and-half’ and ‘Betwixt-and-Between’ mean?

Answer: It means neither here nor there, a little of this and a little of that or halfway between a bird and a human being.

Question 3: Choose the correct words.

1. When Peter saw the Kensington Gardens, he forgot that he was a baby/bird.

Answer: Baby

2. When Peter drank from the pond, he took in a lot of/got very little water.

Answer: got very little water

3. The fairies noticed/did not notice Peter at first because they were busy/sleepy.

Answer: did not notice, busy

4. The three fairies ran away and hid because they were afraid/shy of Peter.

Answer: afraid

5. Peter knew/did not know that he had caused the noisy confusion.

Answer: did not know

6. Solomon Caw was kind/unkind to Peter.

Answer: kind

Question 4: What did Peter do when he reached the Kensington Gardens?

Answer: When Peter reached the Kensington Gardens, he lay on his back and kicked. Then, he tried to drink water from a pond and a puddle. Finally, he went to sleep on a tree.

Question 5: What were the fairies doing when Peter saw them first?

Answer: When Peter saw the fairies first, they were busy getting breakfast ready, milking their cows and drawing water.

Question 6: How did the fairies react when they noticed Peter?

Answer: When the fairies noticed Peter, they ran away from him. They hid from him and got inside their homes and shut the doors.

Question 7: What did Peter realize when he saw his clothes and fingers?

Answer: When Peter saw his clothes and fingers, he realized that he was not a bird/did not look like a bird at all.

Question 8: Read these lines and answer the questions.

1. …..but Peter could not remember what was the thing to do.

(a) What did Peter not remember?

Answer: Peter fell flop into a puddle but he did not remember how to get dry. He thought he was a bird but he did not remember that when a real bird falls in flop, it spreads out its feathers and pecks them dry.

(b) What did he do as a result?

Answer: He decided to go to sleep on the weeping birch.

2. So he decided to appeal to the fairies.

(a) What did Peter want to know?

Answer: Peter knew that he wanted something very much but he did not what that was. So, he decided to ask the fairies.

(b) Why did he consult the fairies?

Answer: Fairies are supposed to know a lot, so Peter thought they would be able to help him.

3. “How many of your toes are thumbs?”

(a) Who asked this and to whom?

Answer: Solomon Caw asked Peter Pan this.

(b) Why did he ask this?

Answer: Peter Pan did not believe that he wasn’t a bird, so Solomon wanted to show Peter Pan that he was a human.

4. …..he remembered a lady who had been very fond of him.

(a) Who remembered the lady?

Answer: Peter Pan remembered the lady.

(b) Who is the lady?

Answer: The lady is Peter Pan’s mother.

Question 9: How do you think Peter felt when Solomon Caw explained his true nature? Why do you think so?

Answer: Peter Pan felt shocked and upset. He did not believe what Solomon Caw said that he was not a real bird. Peter believed that he was a bird and was shocked to see that he wasn’t. He felt sad that he was half-bird and half-human and could not fly or leave.

So, these were Peter Pan In Kensington Gardens Questions & Answers.

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