PO Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share PO Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of How Far Is The River and Reena The Magician so, you can check these posts as well.

PO Questions & Answers

Question 1: How old was the author when he first met Po?

Answer: The author was only two and one-half months old when he first met Po.

Question 2: What does the author mean by “I made quite an impression”?

Answer: By this, the author meant that he was noticed, cuddled and admired by Po when he started crying in Po’s arms.

Question 3: What were the feelings which the author could not hide?

Answer: The author loved Po dearly. He felt sad and unhappy when Po saw them off at the airport to return back to Taiwan.

Question 4: Do we know if the author is a boy of a girl? How?

Answer: The author is a boy. We got to know about this when the author’s mother took him with her to Taiwan for a visit. She could not wait to show off her brand new born baby boy to all her friends and relatives.

Question 5: Why did the speaker say that he was ‘beyond reasoning’?

Answer: The speaker said that he was ‘beyond reasoning’ because he was just two years old baby boy and was unable to understand the importance of horrible-tasting medicine.

Question 6: What was the effect of the treatment on the speaker and Po?

Answer: After eight months of being treated with Chinese herbal medicine, the author was completely cured.

However, the medicine really effected Po badly. It took a toll on Po’s health as she had to wake up at 4 a.m. every morning to prepare the medicine and really struggle hard to make the author drink it three times a day. She nearly lost about twenty pounds and gained an alarmingly high blood pressure during the whole process.

PO Questions & Answers

Question 7: Why was Po’s voice shaky?

Answer: Po understood the mental condition of the author when she saw them off at the airport to return back to Taiwan. She was also sad but she didn’t want to show her feelings in front of her grandson. She was trying to control her emotions and so, her voice was shaky.

Question 8: Complete the table to sum up the story.


When the author met PoWhere they metWhat Po did for the author
Two-and-a-half months oldTaipei, TaiwanPo carried the author in her arms throughout the night, and finally put him to sleep.
Two years oldTaipei, TaiwanPo used to wake up at 4 a.m. every morning to prepare the medicine and make the author drink it three times a day.
Short visitsTaiwanPo had bought food, clothes and toys for the author.
Po comes to visit the authorAmericaPo ought auhor’s favourite Chinese pastry.

Question 9: Choose the correct option:

1. What happened when the author met Po for the first time?

(a) He cried most of the night.
(b) He fell sick.
(c) They had a quarrel.

2. The second time the author met Po was when

(a) she came to visit his family in America.
(b) his mother took him to live in Taiwan for a year.
(c) she was very unwell.

3. It was difficult for Po to prepare the author’s medicine because

(a) it was a long process that had to be repeated every morning.
(b) the author’s mother refused to help her.
(c) Po did not like to prepare the medicine.

4. When the author tried to hug Po at the airport, she

(a) refused because she did not like hugs.
(b) dropped everything and hugged him back.
(c) told him to be careful as she was carrying his favourite pastry.

5. ‘I could write a whole book about Po’ means the author

(a) could write a lot about Po.
(b) was going to Write about Po.
(c) had made diary entries on Po.

Question 10: Complete these sentences about the story.

1. When the author first met Po, his mom was too excited to show off her brand new born baby boy to all her friends and relatives.

2. The author lived with Po for one year in Taipei.

3. The author’s mother would often visit Taiwan on short-term teaching assignments.

4. Mom and Po were worried about the author because he had severe nose-bleeding problem.

5. Po helped the author by preparing an herbal medicine for him and making him drink it thrice a day.

6. Po came to America hand-carrying author’s favourite Chinese pastry.

7. Po was actually the author’s grandmother.

Question 11: Read the lines and answer the questions:

“We’ll see each other again, sooner than you think.”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: Po said these words to the author.

(b) Why did the speaker say these words?

Answer: The author loved Po a lot. But when he was going back to America leaving Po, he felt very sad. So, in order to cheer him, Po said this.

(c) Find a line in the story that tells us how the speaker was feeling when she/he said these words.

Answer: A line in the story that tells us how the speaker was feeling when she said these words is:

“However, I detected some shakiness in Po’s voice and tears in Po’s eyes.”

So, these were PO Questions & Answers.

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