Ravi Arrives Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Ravi Arrives Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Dog, David at the House of Shaws and Rikki Tikki Tavi so, you can check these posts as well.

Ravi Arrives Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why did the three siblings go to the station?

Answer: The three siblings went to the station to receive their mother who was coming from Bombay (Mumbai) with her nephew Ravi.

Question 2: Where were Ravi’s parents? How long was he to stay with his aunt’s family?

Answer: Ravi’s parents had gone to America for three months. So, Ravi was to stay with his aunt’s family for that period.

Question 3: ‘He wiped his face with a very large hanky, and the hanky came away black,’ whom is this sentence about? Why was his face black?

Answer: This sentence is about Mr Fernandes, who was a steam engine driver and a great friend of the three children. Steam engines used to be run by burning fuel such as coal, wood or oil to boil water that produced steam. His face was black as it was covered with soot from the burning wood or coal.

Question 4: Why did Dinu call Polly a chatterbox?

Answer: Polly was really excited about her mother’s return from Bombay and told Mr Fernandes all about her cousin Ravi who was coming with her mother. Dinu called Polly a chatterbox because she was talking a lot.

Question 5: “The author describes the trains as ‘looking very proud and important it puffed in’ because

(a) it was coming from Bombay
(b) it was bringing home Amma
(c) both a and b

Answer: both a and b

Question 6: “Why are you sniffing? Have you got a cold?” who said this? To whom? Why did the person sniff?

Answer: Amma said this to Dinu. Dinu sniffed when his mother used the word ‘darling’ for Ravi. He found it ridiculous that an eleven or twelve-year-old boy would let himself be called that.

Question 7: Who threatened to tell your mother when she returns, see if I don’t! Whom did she threaten? Was the threat carried out?

Answer: Sitabai, the housemaid, would threaten to tell on the children to their mother when she returned from Bombay. The threat didn’t get carried out as Amma was busy talking to Sitabai, poking in all corners of the house, and fussing over Ravi.

Question 8: Why was each sibling looking forward to spending time with Amma?

Answer: Each sibling was looking forward to spending time with Amma for his or her own reasons. Dinu wanted to tell her about the half-century he had scored in his last match. Minu wanted to boast about all the cooking she had learnt from Sitabai. Polly was waiting to see the gifts that Amma must have brought for them.

Ravi Arrives Questions & Answers

Question 9: The children complain that Ravi was sulky. How did their mother explain the situation?

Answer: When the children complained to Amma that Ravi was sulky, their mother explained the situation by telling them that Ravi was feeling homesick. She asked them how they would feel if their parents went away for a long tour and they were left behind in a strange place with three children whom they didn’t know very well.

Question 10: Where did the children go to watch the clock being wound up? How did they know the building so well? Why was it empty?

Answer: The children went to the college, where their father taught, to watch the big clock being wound up. They knew the building so well because their father worked there and it was their favourite place. The elegant old building made of red stone was empty because of the summer vacation.

Question 11: ‘Ravi was going to be all right, after all’, What made Dinu, Minu and Polly think so?

Answer: After initially refusing to accompany his cousins to college to see the big clock being wound up, Ravi decided to join them. Ravi asked his cousins to wait for him, and then he playfully challenged Dinu to race with him. At this, Dinu, Minu and Polly decided that Ravi was going to be alright, after all.

Question 12: Describe Mr Fernandes. What did he do? What did he look like? Was he friendly?

Answer: Mr Fernandes was a tall man with a cheerful smile. He talked and laughed so loudly that the whole platform seemed to be fuIl of people. He was an engine driver and a great friend of Dinu, Minu and Polly. He sometimes gave them rides on his engine when he took it on the turntable to turn it around. He also asked Minu to bring Ravi along one day so that he could give Ravi a ride on his engine too. This shows that Mr Fernandes friendly person.

Question 13: Did Mr Fernandes drive an electric train? Give reason for your answer.

Answer: No, Mr Fernandes did not drive an electric train. He was the driver of a steam engine. We know this because, his hanky turned black with the soot when he wiped his face at the station. An electric engine driver wouldn’t have had a sooty face.

Question 14: What was Ravi’s reaction to travelling in a tonga and playing in the garden? Why do you think he reacted like that?

Answer: Ravi was disgusted with the idea of travelling in a tonga. He didn’t like their untidy, friendly little garden with its huge neem and mango trees and jumbled-up flower beds. He refused to play in ‘that nasty mud’ in the garden and said they did not have dirt like that in Bombay; they had cement. Since he lived in Bombay, he was unused to living in a little town.

Question 15: Are the children at a busy station? How do you know?

Answer: No, the children were not at a busy station. When they were waiting for the train to come from Bombay, there was no one on the platform except the ticket-checker who was yawning lazily and two red-shirted porters or coolies. When the children’s mother and Ravi got down and the train departed from the station, they were left on the platform in complete silence.

So, these were Ravi Arrives Questions & Answers.

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