Robin Hood Comes For The Shooting Match Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Robin Hood Comes For The Shooting Match Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Robin Runs Away To The Wood, Three Wise Old Women and Six Foolish Fishermen so, you can check these posts as well.

Robin Hood Comes For The Shooting Match Questions & Answers

Question 1: Fill in the blanks:

1. The Nottingham people loved Robin Hood.
2. The Sheriff and his men were taken to the King’s court.
3. The news about the shooting match spread far and wide.
4. The stranger took the golden arrow and walked off.
5. The sheriff and his men were enjoying the feast.

Question 2: Why did the Sheriff send his men again and again to the Sherwood Forest?

Answer: The Sheriff sent his men again and again to the Sherwood Forest to find Robin Hood.

Question 3: What did the King ask the Sheriff to do?

Answer: The King asked the Sheriff to see that the laws were obeyed, otherwise he would get another Sheriff.

Question 4: What plan did the Sheriff make to catch Robin?

Answer: The Sheriff decided to have a shooting match to catch Robin. He planned to hold a shooting match and offer a ‘golden arrow’ to the winner. He was sure that Robin would certainly participate in that match and thereby his men would catch him.

Question 5: Why couldn’t the Sheriff and his men identify Robin Hood?

Answer: The Sheriff and his men couldn’t identify Robin Hood because he wore a red dress and he had coloured his hair brown. He also wore a patch over one of his eyes.

Question 6: Who won the shooting match?

Answer: Robin Hood won the shooting match.

Question 7: What happened when the Sheriff and his men were enjoying the feast?

Answer: When the Sheriff and his men were enjoying the feast, something flashed over his head. An arrow came flying through open window with a piece of paper wrapped around it. It had a message written on it that the stranger was Robin Hood.

Question 8: Read the line and answer the questions:

‘No, but I don’t want to see you hang.’

(a) Who said this?

Answer: Robin’s companion said this.

(b) Who is ‘you’ in the extract?

Answer: Robin Hood is ‘you’ in the extract.

(c) Who is the wisest character in the story? Tell a reason.

Answer: Robin Hood is the wisest character in the story because he could trick Sheriff and his men. He took the golden arrow with him without being recognised.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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