Science and Superstition Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Science and Superstition Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Female Mosquito, Uttarayan The Kite Festival and The Tiny Teachers so, you can check these posts as well.

Science and Superstition Questions & Answers

Question 1: Differentiate between science and superstition.

Answer: Science means systematic and formulated knowledge while superstition means irrational fear of the unknown or mysterious.

Question 2: Is superstition related to religion in any way?

Answer: Superstition is closely related to religion. Whenever superstition is confronted with science, religion prefers to assist the former.

Question 3: Is science related to religion?

Answer: No, science is not related to religion.

Question 4: How does knowledge about the world grow?

Answer: Knowledge about the world grows because the man is a curious animal. He wants to know and understand all what he sees around him. He learns them, make records of them and predicts them then take a deep observation.

Question 5: Explain one incidence where science and religion cooperated gently.

Answer: Science and religion cooperated gently in the Vedas. The Vedas contain many questions and their rational answers about many natural phenomena.

Question 6: Explain:

(a) Astronomy

Answer: Astronomy deals with the observation of objects like the stars and planets in the sky.

(b) Astrology

Answer: Astrology is a subject which deals with predicting the impact of the position of stars and planets on the current and future lives of human beings.

Question 7: What is the difference between a superstitious person and a scientific minded person?

Answer: A person who thinks systematically is called scientific minded person and who believes in the existence of irrational fear is a superstitious person.

Question 8: Explain the following line in your own words:

“This ancient knowledge in our religious scriptures is based on the scientific method practised today.”

Answer: This line means that ancient knowledge, which is described in our religious scriptures has been proved by the scientists today by doing the scientific experiments. All those what is written in ancient time is proved to be true now by the scientists.

Question 9: Read the line and answer the questions:

“Copernicus (1473-1543) opposed this geocentric idea.”

(a) What geocentric idea did Copernicus oppose?

Answer: The geocentric idea Copernicus opposed was that the Bible had accepted that the Earth was commanded by God to remain stable and the sun and the planets made to go around it.

(b) What did he state then?

Answer: He explained in detail the rotation of the Earth about its axis and the rotation of the Earth and other planets around the Sun in near circular orbits.

(c) Were his ideas accepted finally?

Answer: Yes, his ideas were accepted finally and they ended the superstitious belief about central position given to the Earth by the Christian religion.

Question 10: Fill in the blanks:

1. India has a long cultural tradition where religion plays an important role.
2. Irrational way of explaining unusual events is called being superstitious.
3. Conflict between science and superstition is not unique to the Indian tradition.
4. The simple fact is that man is a curious animal.
5. Vedas contain many questions and their rational answers about many natural.
6. Astronomy deals with the observation of the objects like the stars and planets in the sky.
7. Man’s curiosity is the reason.
8. We have these positions recorded in the paper called horoscope or ‘Kundali’.

Question 11: Think and answer in one word:

1. It means systematic and formulated knowledge – Science
2. It means irrational fear of the unknown – Superstition
3. It can say ‘I do not know it’ – Science
4. It studies formation and evolution of stars and planets – Astronomy
5. It predicts future in relation to the position of stars and planets – Astrology
6. It occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the moon – Lunar eclipse

So, these were Science and Superstition Questions & Answers.

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