Shivaji’s Miraculous Escape Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Shivaji’s Miraculous Escape Questions & Answers.

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Shivaji’s Miraculous Escape Questions & Answers

Question 1: What did the Marathas and the Mughals sign? Why was this done?

Answer: The Marathas and the Mughals had signed a treaty. This was done to put an end to the dispute between them for the time being.

Question 2: Why did Shivaji storm out of the Mughal Court?

Answer: Shivaji stormed out of the Mughal court because he was enraged that he was not respected like a king and was asked to sit in the third row of nobles.

Question 3: Who gave the command to detain Shivaji? Where was he kept?

Answer: Aurangzeb, the Mughal emperor, gave the command to detain Shivaji. He was kept in a house in Agra.

Question 4: What was Shivaji’s escape plan? How did he accomplish it?

Answer: Shivaji planned to escape by hiding with his son in baskets that would be carried out of the house. To accomplish this plan, he spread rumours that he was ill and wanted priests in Agra to hold prayers for him. Then, he started sending sweets in baskets to them. The guards outside his house checked the baskets every day. But after a few weeks, they got used to the baskets and stopped checking them. Thus, Shivaji and his son hid in them and cleverly escaped.

Question 5: How did the Mughals react when they came to know of Shivaji’s escape?

Answer: The Mughals were angry and sent soldiers after Shivaji and Sambhaji. However, they were unable to find them.

Question 6: Why was Jijabai stunned? Who had paid her a visit?

Answer: Two priests had paid Jijabai a visit at the Maratha court. When one of them fell at her feet, she was stunned. However, when he removed his cap and put his head on her lap, she realized that it was her son Shivaji who had disguised himself as a priest.

Question 7: What efforts did Shivaji make after he and his son were finally free?

Answer: After Shivaji and his son were free, Shivaji stepped up his efforts to regain the territories that he had lost to the Mughals and proclaimed himself as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the Emperor.

Question 8: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. “Don’t mind him sahib. He is just tired.”

(a) Who said these words?

Answer: One of the men who was carrying the baskets said these words.

(b) Why did the speaker say so?

Answer: The man said so because his companion had asked the guards why they were asking them the same question every day.

(c) Who is ‘sahib’ here?

Answer: ‘Sahib’ here refers to one of the guards who was standing outside the bungalow.

2. ‘Maharaj, this is a trap. We can’t trust Aurangzeb!’

(a) Who said this and to whom?

Answer: One of Shivaji’s advisors/courtiers said this to Shivaji.

(b) What was the ‘trap’ here?

Answer: The ‘trap’ refers to an invitation to Shivaji from the Mughal commander, Maharaja Jai Singh, to pay a visit to the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in Agra.

(c) Why couldn’t they trust Aurangzeb?

Answer: They could not trust Aurangzeb because it was possible that he wished to go against the treaty, trap Shivaji, and take over his territories.

Question 9: What qualities of Shivaji made him the great Maratha Emperor?

Answer: Shivaji had many qualities that made him the great Maratha Emperor. From the story, we can see that he was honourable and trusting. His escape from the Mughals shows us how he used his presence of mind, intelligence, and strategic brilliance to come up with a clever plan. The fact that he was unwilling to fight his way out of his prison also showed that he was protective and valued the lives of his supporters. His strength, intelligence, compassion, wit, and honour helped him become one of the greatest Indian emperors.

So, these were Shivaji’s Miraculous Escape Questions & Answers.

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