Sir Issac Newton and The Apple Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Sir Issac Newton and The Apple Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Monu’s Folly, The Little Kite Learns To Fly and Emperor Penguins so, you can check these posts as well.

Sir Issac Newton and The Apple Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Sir Newton lived in ___________.

(a) England
(b) Canada
(c) South Africa

2. Only ______________ believe that they know everything.

(a) businessmen
(b) inventors
(c) fools

3. Sir Newton was lying under an _____________ tree.

(a) mango
(b) apple
(c) coconut.

4. ___________ caused the apple to fall.

(a) Gravitation
(b) Evaporation
(c) Friction

Question 2: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. Sir Newton believed that for every answer there are more questions – True
2. A ripe mango fell from the tree on Sir Isaac Newton’s head – False
3. All the people on Earth combined are denser than Earth – False
4. Sir Newton knew everything about the laws of nature – False

Question 3: Who was Sir Isaac Newton?

Answer: Sir Isaac Newton was a great scientist, thinker and an observer.

Question 4: What shows Sir Newton was a great scientist?

Answer: Sir Isaac Newton believed that for every answer there are more questions. He was always curious and wished to learn more which made him a great scientist.

Question 5: What were the first two reasons Sir Newton thought of for the falling of apple?

Answer: The first reason was that it fell because it was ripe and its stem could no longer hold it to the branch.

The second reason was that the Earth was drawing the apple towards itself because it was heavy.

Question 6: Which objects are said to be heavier?

Answer: The objects which are denser and closer to another objects are said to be heavier.

Question 7: Why does Earth pull people towards itself but not vice-versa?

Answer: The Earth is million times heavier than any other object near to or upon its, surface; so it pulls people towards itself but not vice-versa.

Question 8: Read the lines and answer the questions:

“It fell because it was ripe and its stem could no longer hold it to the branch.”

(a) Who said it and to whom?

Answer: Sir Isaac Newton said this to himself.

(b) What does ‘it’ refers to?

Answer: ‘It’ refers to the apple that fell on Newton’s head from the tree.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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