Speak Out Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Speak Out Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Quangle Wangle’s Hat, Wind By Subramania Bharati and Song Poem so, you can check these posts as well.

Speak Out Questions & Answers

Question 1: When did Sakshi realize that she had won the first prize?

Answer: Sakshi realized that she had won the first prize when her companions celebrated and congratulated her after the announcements.

Question 2: Why was Sakshi overwhelmed with joy?

Answer: Sakshi was overwhelmed with joy because her school had also won the overall trophy in the inter-school debate competition. This made her all the more happy.

Question 3: How did Sakshi feel as she and Shikhar waited outside the door of their house?

Answer: Sakshi felt very excited as she and Shikar stood outside their house. The thought of her mother’s reaction excited her so much that she could not speak.

Question 4: Why was Sakshi’s mother upset with her?

Answer: Sakshi’s mother was upset with her because she had been rude to Rajani Mausi.

Question 5: What aggravated Sakshi’s resentment?

Answer: The sight of her trophy lying neglected on the bed aggravated Sakshi’s resentment.

Question 6: What had always motivated Sakshi to do well?

Answer: The thought of her parents’ pride in her achievements had always motivated Sakshi to do well.

Question 7: Who showed Sakshi’s trophy to Dad?

Answer: Sakshi’s brother Shikhar showed the trophy to Dad.

Speak Out Questions & Answers

Question 8: Who, according to Sakshi’s dad, had old-fashioned views?

Answer: According to Sakshi’s dad, Rajani Mausi had old-fashioned views.

Question 9: What did Dad think of the accusation that Rajani Mausi made?

Answer: Dad thought that Rajani Mausi’s accusation was ridiculous.

Question 10: What made Sakshi say that she should perhaps give up debating?

Answer: Since it was very difficult for Sakshi to come home and make a complete turnaround in her thinking, she thought about giving up debating.

Question 11: What was Dad’s opinion about the need for speaking out at home?

Answer: Sakshi’s dad thought that speaking out at home is far more essential than speaking on a platform to win a prize.

Question 12: Choose the correct option:

1. It was a special day for Sakshi because_____________

(a) she had won the first prize in the Inter-school debate competition.
(b) her brother had won the first prize in the Inter-school painting competition.
(c) she had won the first prize in the Inter-school painting competition.
(d) she had won the first prize in the Inter-school acting competition.

2. Sakshi felt even more peeved because

(a) she did not like Rajani Mausi.
(b) Rajani Mausi had come at the wrong time.
(c) her mother took no notice of her trophy and seemed too delighted at the news Rajani Mausi had brought.
(d) she did not like the fact that her cousin was engaged.

3. Sakshi rose, feeling as if a weight had been taken off her shoulders. Here, ‘weight’ refers to _______________

(a) Sakshi’s feeling of anger at the news of her cousin’s engagement.
(b) Sakshi’s sense of resentment at not being allowed to speak out her opinion.
(c) Sakshi’s anger at her mother and Rajani Mausi’s conservative attitude.
(d) Sakshi’s sense of guilt for not having told her mother about her prize.

4. “Too good an opportunity!”
Sakshi’s dad said these words____________

(a) sincerely.
(b) sarcastically.
(c) comically.
(d) angrily.

5. Sakshi’s mother_______________

(a) wanted Sakshi not to voice her opinion at home.
(b) thought that Sakshi should not speak out on family matters.
(c) strongly believed it was all right for children to speak their minds.
(d) admitted that it was all right for children to voice their opinions provided they were not confrontational.

Question 13: Why did Sakshi feel a twinge of irritation as she entered her house?

Answer: Sakshi was very excited about winning the debate competition in school. As she entered her house, she heard a buzz of voices coming from inside. She felt irritated as she wondered who could be visiting at a time when she wanted to break the news of her award to her mother.

Speak Out Questions & Answers

Question 14: Who was Rajani Mausi? What news had she brought?

Answer: Rajani Mausi was the cousin of Sakshi’s mother. She had brought the news of her daughter Antara’s engagement.

Question 15: Why was Sakshi shocked to hear the news that Rajani Mausi had brought?

Answer: Sakshi was shocked to hear the news that Rajani Mausi had brought because she thought Antara, who was nineteen and had just started college, was too young to get married. She knew that her cousin wanted to pursue her career and become a lawyer.

Question 16: Why did Sakshi not tell her mother about her prize?

Answer: Initially, Sakshi was very excited to tell her mother about winning the prize at school, but she did not do so after her argument with her mother. After she was scolded for being too frank with Rajani Mausi, she lost all her excitement and no longer felt the urge to share the news with her mother. She felt her mother was in a bad mood and was annoyed with her.

Question 17: What did Sakshi find so strange about her situation?

Answer: Sakshi found it strange that she had been scolded for expressing her opinion at home while at school, the very same day, she had won an award for expressing herself assertively in the debate competition. She could not make sense of this contrast between what was acceptable at home.

Question 18: What did Rajani Mausi accuse Sakshi of? Was the accusation true?

Answer: Rajani Mausi accused Sakshi of calling up her daughter Antara and influencing her decision to get married. Rajani Mausi claimed that Sakshi had convinced Antara to break off her engagement. This was not true because Sakshi did not even call Antara because she did not feel like congratulating her. Antara, being older than Sakshi, would probably not have been influenced by Sakshi anyway.

Question 19: Do you think Sakshi was right in her behaviour with Rajani Mausi? Why do you think so?

Answer: I think Sakshi was right in her behaviour with Rajani Mausi. Sakshi was not rude with her mausi. She just expressed her opinion assertively because she strongly believed in gender equality and felt that girls must have the freedom to pursue their career and not be rushed into marriage.

Question 20: What made Sakshi’s mother change her mind towards the end?

Answer: SeveraI factors came together to make Sakshi’s mother change her mind towards the end of the story. When Shikhar showed Sakshi’s prize to his father, Sakshi’s mother felt embarrassed to learn that her daughter had withheld the news from her because she was hurt by what had happened. When she told her husband about Rajani Mausi, he too expressed his shock at the news of Antara’s engagement, thus reinforcing Sakshi’s position on the matter. Further, when Sakshi said that she would rather give up debating than make her mother upset by her actions, her mother fully grasped how deeply she had hurt her daughter.

So, these were Speak Out Questions & Answers.

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