Spring Quiet Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Spring Quiet Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Christina Rossetti. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Mowgli In Trouble and No Room For a Leopard so, you can check these posts as well.

Spring Quiet Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Covert – an area of low bushes and trees
  • Thrush – a fairly small bird with a brown back and a spotted breast
  • Boughs – branches of a tree
  • Snare – a trap for catching birds
  • Mossy – surface with covered moss
  • Echo – be repeated or reverberate after the original sound has stopped

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Where does the bird sing?

(a) in holly-bush
(b) in thrush
(c) in covert

2. Robin sings in

(a) winter
(b) holly-bush
(c) near sea

3. What does the whispering air say?

(a) Here dwell in safety
(b) We spread no snare
(c) Here the sun shineth most shadily

4. Budding boughs are full of

(a) flowers
(b) thorns
(c) scent

Question 2: Fill in the blanks:

1. The poet wishes for ___________ to come.

(a) winter
(b) the rainy season
(c) summer
(d) spring

2. The birds are ________________ in the bushes.

(a) living
(b) nesting
(c) singing
(d) playing

3. ‘A cool green house’ means

(a) a cool and airy green house.
(b) a cool green canopy formed by the arching boughs of trees.

4. ____________ tells the poet that she can live safely in the covert.

(a) The wind
(b) The robin

5. In the covert, one can hear the echo of the__________

(a) stream
(b) sea

Question 3: ‘Which sayeth softly: “Here dwell in safety, Here dwell alone……’

(a) Who sayeth softly?

Answer: The whispering air sayeth softly.

(b) What all can be found ‘here’?

Answer: A clear stream and a mossy stone, as well as the sun shining most shadily through the leaves and branches of the trees can be found ‘here’.

(c) What can be heard ‘here’?

Answer: An echo of the far sea can be heard ‘here’.

Question 4: Explain these phrases from the poem.

(a) budding boughs

Answer: The branches of the trees were full of new shoots and flower buds.

(b) whispering air

Answer: The sound of the wind blowing was such as if it was whispering to the poet.

(c) mossy stone

Answer: The moss-covered stones lying near the clear stream.

(d) the sun shineth most shadily

Answer: The rays of the sun shone through leaves and branches of the trees in the covert and therefore, the sunshine did not feel too harsh.

Question 5: Do you think the poet is fond of animals and nature? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: Yes, the poet is fond of animals and nature. That is why, she imagines to be enjoying the birds singing and she dreams of listening to the soft breeze, coming to a clear stream, smelling the blossoms and finally hearing the distant murmur of the sea.

Question 6: Find one word from the poem for each of these words and phrases.

1. Pleasant smells – sweet scent
2. A small river – stream
3. Distant – far
4. Trap – snare
5. Flowering – budding
6. Live in a place – dwell

Question 7: From the poem identify an example of:

1. Alliteration

Answer: Full of fresh scents/budding boughs/sweet Scents/sayeth softly

2. Paradox

Answer: Here the sun shineth most shadily

So, these were Spring Quiet Questions & Answers.

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