Subira The Three-Legged Cheetah Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Subira The Three-Legged Cheetah Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Aina kizz and Black Bearded Bai, Three Days To See and The Case of The Fifth Word so, you can check these posts as well.

Subira The Three-Legged Cheetah Questions & Answers

Question 1: Subira turned her head and gazed at the crowd. Who is Subira? Where did this incident happen?

Answer: Subira is a three-year-old cheetah. This incident happened in Shambala, a wildlife reserve in the United States of America.

Question 2: Though the boy was very rude, Tippi did not react. Why do you think she was so calm?

Answer: Tippi did not react because she knew words would not convince Cory. He had given up hope after his accident and had become too bitter. She knew that it was only the speed and agility of three-legged Subira that could encourage Cory to come out of his depression and strive to do well once again.

Question 3: Why had Cory become so bitter and angry? Do you think this was a natural outcome of his unfortunate experience?

Answer: Cory was a talented player who dreamt of playing major league baseball someday. He had a promising future but he met with an accident that left him physically disabled. The tragic accident not only dashed his hopes of becoming a sportsman but also left him emotionally disturbed. This is why Cory had become bitter and angry.

Bitterness and anger are the immediate natural outcome of an unfortunate experience. However, one needs to overcome such feelings for they do only harm. It is not an easy choice to make but with courage, determination and support from loved ones, one can leave bitterness behind.

Question 4: Subira decided to give the audience a show of her skills. What did Subira do? How did the audience respond to this show of skills?

Answer: Subira jumped from the tree on which she had been reclining and began to run at full speed around the enclosure. The audience was stunned into silence. It was then that Cory asked Tippi the question that was in everybody’s mind: how could she run so fast with only three legs.

Question 5: How was Cory affected by Subira’s show of skills?

Answer: Cory was initially surprised by Subira’s display of speed but having heard her story, his attitude changed completely. Subira had affected him deeply by overcoming her own handicap. Cory seemed determined and satisfied. He also grew more communicative and polite in his interactions. Subira’s excellence despite her handicap seems to have brought him out of his depression and given him hope.

Question 6: Choose the correct option:

Subira was disowned by Oregon zoo because

(a) the officials knew that she would be unable to take care of herself.
(b) the zoo believed her deformity would not attract visitors.
(c) the zoo had a policy of keeping only healthy animals.
(d) the officials worried that the other cheetahs might attack her.

Answer: (b) the zoo believed her deformity would not attract visitors.

Subira The Three-Legged Cheetah Questions & Answers

Question 7: Here are some words describing Subira and Cory (before his transformation). Sort out them and place them in appropriate columns in the table.

Bitter SarcasticPositive UpsetSpirited LivelyAngry LonelyHappy HopelessFriendly Confident



Question 8: The writer says that Subira is a living example of what Shambala stands for. What is it that Shambala and Subira stand for?

Answer: Shambala and Subira both stand for resilience and hope. Shambala providing a sanctuary for animals to heal and thrive while Subira, despite her disability, shows strength and the ability to overcome adversity, symbolizing what Shambala represents.

Question 9: The writer says that Subira had to create her own worth and has touched the hearts of people around the world. How has Subira achieved this?

Answer: Subira was cast off by Oregon Zoo authorities because she had only three legs. They thought people would not want to see a deformed cheetah. However, at Shambala, Subira learnt to move at full speed. This display of excellence despite the lack of a limb made Subira not only one of the most popular animals at Shambala but also an inspiration for many.

Question 10: Was there any change in Cory at the end of his visit to Shambala? What was the change and how did it come about?

Answer: Yes, there was a change in Cory by the end of his visit to Shambala. Initially, Cory was bitter and angry due to his accident and the loss of his leg, which shattered his dream of becoming a baseball player. However, after witnessing Subira, the three-legged cheetah, running with strength and grace, he realised that limitations exist only in the mind. Subira’s ability to overcome her physical challenge inspired Cory to change his attitude and find hope again.

Question 11: No one told Subira that she could not run as fast as the other cheetahs that had four legs. So, she could run as fast as they could on three legs.

People say that our real handicap lies in our minds, our attitudes and in the way we think. Do you agree with this? Why/why not?

Answer: Yes, I agree that our real handicap lies in our minds and attitudes. People can overcome their physical limitations when they have the right mindset. For example – athletes with disabilities, like paralympians achieve incredible feats because they refuse to let their physical challenges hold them back. Their determination and positive attitude allow them to succeed despite their limitations.

So, these were Subira The Three-Legged Cheetah Questions & Answers.

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