Sunflowers In The Sea Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Sunflowers In The Sea Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Call Of Africa, What is Pink and The Ungrateful Frog so, you can check these posts as well.

Sunflowers In The Sea Questions & Answers

Question 1: Read each sentence. Underline the incorrect word and write the correct word:

1. Shauna was a sunflower.
Answer: starfish

2. Shauna was a dissatisfied creature.
Answer: happy

3. Ally had long purple spines.
Answer: short

4. Shauna hated it when the children came.
Answer: loved

5. The fish were blue in colour and big in size.
Answer: tiny

Question 2: Pick out a sentence from the story that tells us that the crab was unhappy in the tidal pool.

Answer: The sentence from the story that tells us that the crab was unhappy in the tidal pool is – Especially Kyle, the grumpy crab, hated being in the pool.

Question 3: Why did Ally like the tidal pool?

Answer: Ally liked the pool because she felt safe as she would neither be eaten by the otters nor crushed by an octopus.

Question 4: What did the little boy do to upset the sea creatures? What advice did the mother give him?

Answer: The little boy threw some sand into the pool, which dirtied the clear water. Kyle had to cover his eyes and Ally her mouth. His mother advised him not to throw sand into the pool as it bothered the sea creatures.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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