Tenali Rama and Babur Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Tenali Rama and Babur Questions & Answers.

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Tenali Rama and Babur Questions & Answers

Question 1: Fill in the blanks:

(a) Tenali Rama was known for his wit and wisdom.
(b) Babur, the Mughal ruler invited Tenali to his court in Delhi.
(c) The courtiers cut off Tenali’s jokes by yawning.
(d) Babur and his minister would walk by the Yamuna, every morning.
(e) The old man was carrying a spade and a mango sapling.

Question 2: Why did Babur invite Tenali to his court in Delhi?

Answer: Babur invited Tenali to his court in Delhi because he had heard of Tenali Rama’s wit and wisdom. He decided to judge for himself whether all the praise for Tenali Rama was really justified.

Question 3: Why did Babur’s courtiers not laugh at Tenali’s jokes?

Answer: Babur’s courtiers decided not to laugh at Tenali’s jokes because Babur himself had instructed them not to laugh at the jokes.

Question 4: Why did Tenali stop going to Babur’s court?

Answer: Tenali stopped going to Babur’s court because he had been going for nine days to the court and each day it was the same story. Whenever he began narrating his jokes to the Emperor, the courtiers would cut him off by yawning.

Question 5: What reason does the old man give for planting the sapling?

Answer: The old man gave a very good reason for planting the sapling. He told Babur that he had tasted the fruits of the trees planted by his forefathers. In the same way, his grandchildren would, someday, enjoy the fruits of the tree he was planting.

Question 6: Why did Babur invite Tenali back to his court?

Answer: Babur invited Tenali Rama back to his court because he was finally impressed by Tenali’s intelligence.

Question 7: What did Krishnadevaraya tell Tenali on his return?

Answer: King Krishnadevaraya praised Tenali Rama and told him that he had done him proud. He said that he was glad that Tenali Rama was back.

Question 8: What does Tenali Rama mean when he says, ‘A tree gives fruit once a year, but I am getting the fruit of my labour twice, Your Majesty’?

Answer: Tenali Rama meant that a tree gives fruit once a year – this is the reward that the person who plants the tree receives. But Tenali Rama is rewarded by Babur twice. To Babur’s question as to why he is planting a tree as he is old and won’t be alive when thetree bears fruit, he answers that he is planting the tree for his grandchildren. When Babur rewards him for this answer, Tenali jokes that the king had given him the fruit of planting the sapling even before it had grown. Babur was pleased and rewarded him again.

So, these were Tenali Rama and Babur Questions & Answers.

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