The Beginning of Marathon Race Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Beginning of Marathon Race Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Fagin and His Boys, The Wonderful World and Krishna and Sudama so, you can check these posts as well.

The Beginning of Marathon Race Questions & Answers

Question 1: Fill in the blanks:

1. The Persians were finally defeated at Marathon by the Greeks.
2. The Persians may be on their way to Athens to attack the city.
3. The General had chosen him for this important mission.
4. The entire Greek army was with Miltiades at Marathon.
5. He continued to run, and managed to reach the centre of the city.

Question 2: Who was Pheidippides?

Answer: The Greeks had young runners whose only work was to convey messages. Pheidippides was one such boy. He was the fastest runner among all of them.

Question 3: What was the message which Pheidippides had to carry to Athens?

Answer: The message was the victory of Greeks over Persians at Marathon. The Persians were on their way to Athens to attack the city. The Greeks had won the Marathon, but the people of Athens did not know about it and they could have surrendered their city. So they had to be informed about the victory of Greeks, so that they would hold on till the army arrived there. This was the message which Pheidippides had to carry to Athens.

Question 4: Why did General Miltiades choose Pheidippides to carry the message?

Answer: Pheidippides was the fastest runner among the Greeks. He was the only one who could reach Athens city in time and deliver the important message. So, General Miltiades chose him to carry the message.

Question 5: What happened to Pheidippides when he reached Athens?

Answer: When Pheidippides reached Athens, he was too tired. He gave the message to one of the rulers of the city with great difficulty and finally died.

Question 6: How does the world remember Pheidippides now?

Answer: The world remembers Pheidippides by including the Marathon race in Olympics.

Question 7: Who said the following to whom?

1. I know that you are tired.

Answer: General Miltiades said this to Pheidippides.

2. I will do my best.

Answer: Pheidippides said this to General Miltiades.

3. I must not give up.

Answer: Pheidippides said this to himself.

4. The fate of Athens is in your hands.

Answer: General Miltiades said this to Pheidippides.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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