Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Boon Of Boons Questions & Answers.
In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Oliver Learns A New Game, The Robin Who Showed The Way and The Adventure With The Sheep so, you can check these posts as well.
The Boon Of Boons Questions & Answers
Question 1: Fill in the blanks:
Some bandits, not knowing that the man riding the wonderful horse was the King, attacked him. Though taken by surprise, the victim did not panic. However, he could not win over the attackers because his horse’s hoof got stuck in a crack on the road. The attackers were about to pounce when six young men came to the rescue. The attackers also found themselves being attacked by the bodyguards and that is how their plan failed.
Question 2: Why was the king not worried about the rain or the darkness?
Answer: The king was not worried about the rain or the darkness because he loved adventure and was healthy enough to deal with the cold. He was afraid of facing danger.
Question 3: Why did it take some time for the bodyguards to come to the rescue of the king?
Answer: The bodyguards took some time to come to the rescue of the king because they were at a distance from the King.
Question 4: How had the six young men become friends?
Answer: The six young men had become friends by staying at the same inn.
Question 5: Which of the young men addressed the King as a father? What was his request?
Answer: The fourth young man addressed the King as a father. He requested the King to find him a beautiful bride.
Question 6: Read and answer the questions:

(a) What did the oldest of the six friends ask for?
Answer: The oldest of the six friends asked for a comfortable home.
(b) How was the third young man’s wish different from those of the first two?
Answer: The third young man’s wish was different from those of the first two because he was selfless and asked for a good road for his poor neighbours.
(c) What was given to the fifth young man? Why?
Answer: Bags of gold were given to the fifth man because he desired for money.
Question 7: Whom did the sixth young man marry?
Answer: The sixth young man married the daughter of the King.
Question 8: Read and answer the questions:
Everyone was surprised at the strange wish of the young man. Many took him for a fool.
(a) What was the strange wish?
Answer: The strange wish was that the sixth young man wanted the King to be his guest once a year until of them dies.
(b) What was the King’s reaction?
Answer: The King was surprised and the request appeared odd to him.
(c) Why could he not refuse the young man’s wish?
Answer: The King could not refuse the young man’s wish because he had promised to fulfill any request unless it was beyond his capacity.
Question 9: Read and answer the questions:
Then the question was how could the King eat and sleep for a day and night not once but after year in a humble hut?
(a) What was the first step taken by the King’s government?
Answer: The first step taken by the king’s government was to build a good road to the village so that the King’s chariot could move smoothly.
(b) What was decided about the living arrangements for the King?
Answer: For the living arrangements for the King, a castle worthy of hosting the King was built for the young man.
(c) Why was it decided that the King’s daughter would be the right bride for the sixth young man?
Answer: It was decided that the King’s daughter would be the right bride for the sixth young man because she was familiar with the King’s habits and delicate tastes.
So, these were The Boon Of Boons Questions & Answers.