The Boy and the Cat Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Boy and the Cat Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Nonsense Literature, Sindbad and the Apes and Ravi Arrives so, you can check these posts as well.

The Boy and the Cat Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why was narrator lying in the shade of a tree?

Answer: The narrator was lying in the shade of a tree because it was very hot.

Question 2: What happened when the narrator tried to pick up the hanky to wipe his face?

Answer: When the narrator tried to pick up the hanky to wipe his face, the hanky changed into a bright red roly-poly cat and uttered ‘Miaow!’

Question 3: The Cat said he could be addressed as Emperor. Do you think the narrator knew why?

Answer: The narrator did not know why the Cat had said that he could be addressed as Emperor. He asked the Cat why it should be addressed as Emperor.

Question 4: Read and answer the questions:

To cover up, I hurriedly blurted out “I know of course I know what it means”.

(a) Who is ‘I’?

Answer: ‘I’ is the narrator.

(b) What was the speaker trying to ‘cover-up’?

Answer: The speaker was trying to ‘cover up’ the fact that he did not know why the Cat could be addressed as Emperor.

(c) What is ‘it’ the speaker refers to?

Answer: ‘It’ refers to the reason why the Cat wanted to be addressed as Emperor.

Question 5: There was a lull of conversation. A lull is a short period of excitement in a longer period of calm/ short period of calm in a longer period of excitement.

Answer: A lull is a short period of calm in a longer period of excitement.

Question 6: Read and answer the questions:

“That’s easy to say and hard to do”.

(a) Who said this?

Answer: The narrator said this.

(b) What is the speaker talking about?

Answer: The speaker is talking about the possibility of going to Tibet on feeling hot, as suggested by the Cat.

(c) Why is it hard to do?

Answer: It is hard to go to Tibet because the narrator doesn’t know how to reach there.

Question 7: According to the Cat, who could show the narrator the way?

Answer: According to the Cat, TreeCat could show the narrator the way to Tibet.

Question 8: “lt is very tough. Want to see how tough? Who said this and what was ‘tough’?

Answer: The Cat said this. Meeting TreeCat was tough.

Question 9: Why did the narrator lose his temper?

Answer: When the narrator asked the Cat why it was impossible to meet TreeCat, the Cat again tried to make a fool of him by giving him a very confusing answer. It said that if the narrator went to Uluberia to meet TreeCat, he would learn that TreeCat was in Motihari. The Cat went on and on. This made the narrator lose his temper.

Question 10: What happened once the narrator closed his eyes? What had the Cat said would happen?

Answer: When the narrator closed his eyes, he saw the Cat jumping over the garden fence and escaping with his tail in the air.

Question 11: Read and answer the questions:

‘Suddenly I had a feeling I had been tricked. I opened my eyes and there he was escaping over the garden fence with his tall in the air, laughing that nasty spluttering laugh’.

a. How had the narrator been tricked?

Answer: The narrator had been tricked because the Cat told him to close his eyes and he would help him calculate or figure out where TreeCat could be found at that time. When he realised that the Cat hadn’t spoken for some time, he opened his eyes to see that the Cat was escaping over the garden fence with his tail in the air. The Cat’s nasty laugh made it clear that the narrator had been tricked again.

b. Why had the narrator closed his eyes?

Answer: The narrator had closed his eyes because the Cat asked him to do so.

c. Why was the Cat laughing?

Answer: The Cat was laughing because he knew that he had succeeded in deceiving the narrator once again.

So, these were The Boy and the Cat Questions & Answers.

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