The Courageous Brahmin Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Courageous Brahmin Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of A Blue Jackal, The Lion and The Hare and The Two Questions so, you can check these posts as well.

The Courageous Brahmin Questions & Answers

Question 1: How did the Brahmin earn his livelihood?

Answer: The Brahmin used to perform pujas to earn his livelihood.

Question 2: What did the richest man give him and why?

Answer: The richest man gave the Brahmin two young and healthy calves. This is because he was pleased with the Brahmin’s service.

Question 3: How did the Brahmin treat the calves?

Answer: Brahmin loved the calves a lot and took good care of them.

Question 4: Who thought of stealing the calves?

Answer: The thief thought of stealing the calves.

Question 5: Who appeared in front of the thief?

Answer: An ugly looking demon appeared in front of the thief.

Question 6: What made the thief tremble with fright?

Answer: When the demon roared and told the thief that he was very hungry and would eat him. This made the thief tremble with fright.

Question 7: What made the Brahmin wake up?

Answer: The loud voices of argument between the demon and the thief woke up the Brahmin.

Question 8: What did the Brahmin see when he looked out of the window?

Answer: The Brahmin looked out of his window and saw the demon and the thief arguing.

Question 9: Choose the correct option:

1. The Brahmin prayed to_________ to save him.

(a) God
(b) Goddess
(c) Spirit

2. Mustering__________ the Brahmin went to the demon with some holy water.

(a) strength
(b) patience
(c) courage

3. The Brahmin ran after the thief taking a_________.

(a) gun
(b) weapon
(c) stick

4. The Brahmin used to perform puja to earn his __________.

(a) bread
(b) butter
(c) livelihood

5. Who was passing by the cottage one night?

(a) A passer by
(b) A traveller
(c) A thief

Question 10: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. The thief was passing by the mansion – False
2. The Brahmin loved his son a lot – False
3. The calves were very weak – False
4. There was a lot of dust in the shed – False

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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