The Detective Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Detective Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of A Little Boy’s Dream, The Imaginary Adventures of Don Quixote and India and Its Scientific Glory so, you can check these posts as well.

The Detective Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why did Jaladhar believe that he knew all about the methods used to catch criminals?

Answer: Jaladhar believed that he knew all the methods of trapping criminals as one of his uncles worked in the CBI and the other uncle was a novelist who wrote detective stories.

Question 2: Why did Jaladhar tell his friends that he was deliberately hiding the identity of the thief? Was he actually hiding the identity?

Answer: Jaladhar said this because he did not know who the thief was. He lied because he did not want to lose face with his friends.

Question 3: Why did Dashu become angry and did not listen to any of his friends?

Answer: Dashu became angry and did not listen to his friends because someone had opened his tiffin box and eaten away half the food scattering the remaining half on the floor.

Question 4: Was Jaladhar ashamed when they identified the real thief? Why?

Answer: Jaladhar had been saying all this time that the thief was a strong and cunning man. He had also laid out a clever plan to catch him. He naturally felt ashamed and embarrassed when they found out that the thief was a tomcat.

Question 5: Answer the following questions and draw inferences with the help of evidence from the story.


QuestionEvidence from the StoryMy Inference
(a) Was Jaladhar as intelligent as he believed to be?It was a huge tom cat and it had Jaladhar’s shorbhaja in its mouth.No, he was not as intelligent as he believed to be because he was always incorrect in identifying the thief.
(b) Was Jaladhar a boy who would accept defeat easily?He made a bold attempt to smile and said, “I purposely, lied to you. A true detective never reveals his secrets until the thief is caught. I have deliberately not disclosed the identity of the thief.”Jaladhar was an obstinate or stubborn boy. He would never accept defeat easily.

Question 6: Write the character sketch of Jaladhar based on the story.

Answer: Jaladhar was a boy who believed that he knew all the best methods of trapping a criminal. He would be the first to reach the victim’s house and offer some expert advice even without being asked for any. He would not accept defeat easily and could even manipulate the other person to prove his point. He considered himself the smartest detective there was.

Question 7: Pick up an adjective from the story to describe the following:


  • Jaladhar – stubborn
  • Thief – cunning, bold
  • Dashu – short-tempered, bizzare
  • Shyamdas – strong

Question 8: Jaladhar suspected the footman to be the thief without adequate evidence; is it appropriate to jump to conclusions without knowing the entire truth? Discuss.

Answer: No, it is not appropriate to jump to conclusions without knowing the entire truth. It is better to give others the benefit of the doubt than brand him a thief.

Question 9: How did Jaladhar get the nickname Mr Detective?

Answer: Jaladhar got the nickname Mr Detective because he was the first to reach the the crime scene and give some expert advice on who could have committed the theft, how the theft was committed, what could have been done to prevent it, etc.

So, these were The Detective Questions & Answers.

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