The First House Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The First House Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Blowing Bubbles, My Dog is From Neptune and The Tiffin Gang so, you can check these posts as well.

The First House Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali are from

(a) Meghalaya
(b) Arunachal Pradesh
(c) Manipur

2. The first animal they met in the jungle was ________.

(a) an elephant
(b) a snake
(c) a buffalo

3. The snake told Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali to _______

(a) be careful
(b) fetch long poles
(c) gather stones

Question 2: Where did people live before houses were made?

Answer: People lived in caves before houses were made.

Question 3: What did the elephant tell Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali to do?

Answer: The elephant told Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali to cut trees to make strong and thick pillars.

Question 4: What advice did the snake give to Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali?

Answer: The snake advised them to fetch long and thin poles.

Question 5: Who was Mithun? Why was she sad?

Answer: Mithun was a buffalo who was sad because a tiger had killed her husband.

Question 6: What did she suggest to Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali?

Answer: Mithun suggested Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali to make a roof with cross poles, like the bones of her husband’s skeleton.

Question 7: What advice did the fish give them?

Answer: The fish advised them to collect a lot of leaves and put them on the roof, one on top of the other, like its scales, to protect the house from the sun and rain.

Question 8: What did Kindru-Lalim and Kincha kill do after the house was ready?

Answer: After the house was ready, Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali invited all the animals of the forest to come and see it.

Question 9: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. ‘O Lali, I’m so tired of living in a dark cave.’

(a) Who is the speaker?

Answer: The speaker is Kindru-Lalim.

(b) Why were they living in a cave?

Answer: They were tired of living in a dark cave.

(c) What did they do after this?

Answer: After this, they decided to build a house in the forest.

2. “Collect a lot of leaves and put them on the roof, one on top of the other, like my scales.”

(a) Who is the speaker?

Answer: The speaker is the fish.

(b) Why did the speaker give this advice?

Answer: The speaker gave this advice to protect the house from the sun and rain.

(c) How did this advice help the listener(s)?

Answer: This advice helped by providing insulation and protection to the house.

Question 10: Write a few lines about Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali.

Answer: Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali were close friends who decided to build a house in the forest with the help of advice from animals. They were resourceful and open to learning from nature.

Question 11: All the animals helped Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali by giving them good advice. Do you think helpfulness is a good trait? Why/Why not?

Answer: Yes, helpfulness is a good trait because it fosters cooperation and positive relationships between individuals and species. In this story, the animals’ helpfulness led to the successful construction of the house.

Question 12: What does this story tell you about the relationship between animals and human beings?

Answer: This story shows a friendly relationship between animals and human beings, where both can coexist and support each other.

Question 13: What advice would you have given if Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali had asked you for help?

Answer: If Kindru-Lalim and Kincha Lali had asked for help, I would suggest using renewable materials and minimizing environmental impact during construction.

So, these were The First House Questions & Answers.

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