The Frogs and The Boys Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Frogs and The Boys Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Patti and The Kids, Onam and Who Has Seen The Wind so, you can check these posts as well.

The Frogs and The Boys Questions & Answers

Question 1: Read the sentences and write frogs or boys on the blanks.

1. They saw the frogs.

They here means boys.

2. We get hurt, just like you.

We here means frogs.

3. We keep you safe from flies, mosquitoes and other insects.

We here means frogs.

4. We did not want to hurt anyone.

We here means boys.

5. We promise we will never hurt anyone again.

We here means boys.

Question 2: Choose the correct option:

1. There was a pond in the __________.

(a) forest
(b) village

2. The boys threw __________ at the frogs.

(a) stones
(b) bread

3. The boys were surprised to hear the frog __________.

(a) song
(b) speak

4. The boys said that they did not want to __________ anyone.

(a) hurt
(b) pinch

Question 3: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. The boys had fun watching the frogs jump out of the water – True
2. A fish came out of the water and sat on a large rock – False
3. Frogs keep us safe from flies and other insects – True
4. The boys promised to never hurt anyone again – True

Question 4: Where did the family of frogs live?

Answer: The family of frogs lived in a pond.

Question 5: What did the frogs do all day?

Answer: The frogs hopped in and out of the pond all day.

Question 6: Why did the boys start throwing stones at the frogs?

Answer: The boys started throwing stones at the frogs to see who can hit the most number of frogs.

Question 7: What happened when the boys threw the stones?

Answer: When the boys threw the stones, some frogs got hurt.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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