The Garden Surprise Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Garden Surprise Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of I Stood Against The Window, Mohania and Seeds so, you can check these posts as well.

The Garden Surprise Questions & Answers

Question 1: Underline the errors in these sentences. Write the correct sentences.

1. Alice and Jane lived in the same house.

Correct Sentence: Alice and Jane lived in neighbouring houses.

2. Jane blew rubbish into Alice’s garden.

Correct Sentence: The east wind blew rubbish into Alice’s garden.

3. Alice enjoyed looking at Jane’s garden.

Correct Sentence: Alice did not enjoy looking at Jane’s garden.

4. The magic flower first bloomed in Jane’s garden.

Correct Sentence: The magic flower first bloomed in Alice’s garden.

5. The east wind blew the seeds of the magic flower into Jane’s garden.

Correct Sentence: The west wind blew the seeds of the magic flower into Jane’s garden.

Question 2: Why did people turn their eyes away from Jane’s garden?

Answer: People turned their eyes away from Jane’s garden because it was bare and ugly. There were no flowers in it, and it only had a big heap of dirt and ashes.

Question 3: How did Alice’s garden keep getting dirty?

Answer: The east wind kept blowing the rubbish from Jane’s garden into Alice’s garden and scattering it among her flowers. This made Alice’s garden dirty.

Question 4: What did Alice find long and tiring? Why?

Answer: Alice had dreamed that a magic flower in her garden would stop the rubbish from Jane’s garden coming into her garden. She took good care of the plant and waited for the magic lo happen, but the east wind continued to blow the rubbish from Jane’s garden into hers. She found waiting for the flower to work its magic long and tiring.

Question 5: Why did Alice have doubts about continuing to tend the pink flowers?

Answer: Alice took good care of the magic flower but she did not see any magic happen. Seasons changed but the rubbish from Jane’s garden kept coming into hers. So, she wondered if she should continue to tend the plant.

Question 6: What did people say about the two gardens in the beginning and in the end?

Answer: In the beginning, people said “This is the prettiest garden in town!” about Alice’s garden and “This must be the ugliest spot in the whole town!” about Jane’s garden. In the end, they said ‘Of all the gardens in town, there are none so pretty as these two” about both the gardens.

Question 7: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. “This is the prettiest garden in town!”

(a) Whose garden was the prettiest?

Answer: Alice’s garden was the prettiest.

(b) Who said this?

Answer: People who passed by the garden said this.

(c) Why did the speaker say so?

Answer: They said so because Alice’s garden had a green and smooth grass plot without a single weed. It also had many pretty flowers.

2. She would always think, ‘I wish I were a thousand miles away from it.’

(a) What is ‘it’?

Answer: ‘It’ was Jane’s garden.

(b) Who thought this?

Answer: Alice thought this.

(c) Why did she want to be far away from it?

Answer: She wanted to be far away from it because Jane’s garden was bare and ugly.

3. “In your own garden grows a magic flower that can set things right.”

(a) Who said this and to whom?

Answer: A fairy said this to Alice.

(b) When did the speaker say this?

Answer: She said this in Alice’s dream.

(c) What would the magic flower set right?

Answer: The magic flower would stop the rubbish from Jane’s garden coming into Alice’s garden.

4. ‘I will look at my garden instead.’

(a) Who said this and to whom?

Answer: Alice said this to herself.

(b) What did the speaker not want to look at?

Answer: She did not want to look at Jane’s garden with its heap of ash and rubbish.

(c) Why did the speaker say this?

Answer: Alice said this because she was upset by the state of Jane’s garden and did not want to look at it.

So, these were The Garden Surprise Questions & Answers.

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