The Ghost of The Greasy Spoon Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Ghost of The Greasy Spoon Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Thunder and Rain, The Godfather of The Natural History TV and The Red Room so, you can check these posts as well.

The Ghost of The Greasy Spoon Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why did Deepa and Bengi go to the café even though it had been closed?

Answer: Even though the cafe had been closed, the door opened when Deepa pushed it. The interiors were spotless, as if the café was still being maintained. That is why Deepa went inside the restaurant, out of curiosity.

Question 2: Why was the café closed?

Answer: The cafe had closed because the bypass had opened there and the traffic must have made it difficult to access it for pedestrians.

Question 3: Why was Bengi scared of entering the café?

Answer: Being an animal, with intuitive senses sharper than those of humans, Bengi must have been able to sense the trouble. The dog must have figured out that there was something unnatural about a deserted cafe being maintained so well, with chairs and tables neatly arranged and cutlery laid out. This is why Bengi must have been scared to enter.

Question 4: Why had the inhabitants of the café become unhappy ghosts?

Answer: The inhabitants of the deserted cafe had not seen a customer in a long time and were lonely, unable to serve anyone. The bustle of everyday inflow of customers was now a distant memory for them. This is why they were unhappy ghosts.

Question 5: Complete the sentences:

1. The ghosts suddenly became excited because Deepa was the first customer they had seen in a long time.

2. The deep fryer slipped from the hands of the smudge because the smudge was being careless about how it was tossing burgers and chips into the hot oil and was being very careful about avoiding accidents.

3. The café caught fire because the contents of the fryer fell onto the red-hot element of the cooker, and flames erupted and hit the ceiling.

4. Not many people questioned how and why the café burnt down because the café was anyway due to be razed down.

Question 6: One of the characters in the story is called ‘Cholesterol Goblin’. You must have learnt in science what ‘cholesterol’ is and how it can harm us. What kind of food, do you think, was served in the café?

Answer: I think the food served in the cafe was oily. Not only the two of the ghosts in the cafe are called Cholesterol and Smudge but there are also remains of smudges and many fires in the kitchen. This indicates that the food was cooked on high flame and was of the fast-food variety.

Question 7: What are the health-related consequences if one is to eat four times a week at a place like the café in the story?

Answer: A lot of high-cholesterol and oily food not only lead to obesity but also increase the risk of heart diseases.

Question 8: In your opinion, was it wise for Deepa to enter an abandoned café? Think of other possible scenarios that could have happened?

Answer: I do not think it was wise for Deepa to enter the cafe, especially when her pet dog had made its apprehensions very apparent to her. The abandoned café could have been a den of miscreants instead of friendly ghosts, and Deepa could have ended up in serious trouble. It is a common knowledge that our pet animals are much more intuitive than we are, and when they express their apprehension or fear about something, it is best to tread with extreme caution.

So, these were The Ghost of The Greasy Spoon Questions & Answers.

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