The Godfather of The Natural History TV Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Godfather of The Natural History TV Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Reward, The Red Room and Self Contained so, you can check these posts as well.

The Godfather of The Natural History TV Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Many animal and plant species are named after David Attenborough because_________

(a) he discovered all of them.
(b) scientists couldn’t find any other name.
(c) of his role in generating awareness about animal and plant species.

2. The title ‘The Godfather of Natural History TV’ has been given to David Attenborough because__________

(a) many of his grandchildren have grown up to become professionals in the field of natural history.
(b) he has been an influential and a pioneering person in the field of broadcasting natural history programmes.
(c) he is in his 90s and has white hair which makes him look very old.

3. The work of David Attenborough is important for us because_______

(a) he is one of the best photographers in the world.
(b) our knowledge and awareness of the animal and plant kingdoms, our environment and of different cultures have increased.
(c) through his work our understanding of how our actions threaten natural world has increased.

4. There were many factors that helped David Attenborough to pursue his interest. They were__________

(a) support of his family.
(b) his own efforts from childhood to read and go in the field to explore.
(c) his willingness to take risks.

Question 2: Television and social media are good sources of information and entertainment. What was the importance of the BBC series of David Attenborough for the viewers?

Answer: Beginning with the first BBC programme presented by Attenborough, he gradually began presenting more and more programs which gave viewers a range of information about plant and animal kingdoms on their TV sets.

Question 3: What does a naturalist do? What is the importance of a naturalist as a profession?

Answer: A naturalist studies the patterns in nature. Through their work, we understand the interconnectedness of various elements in the ecology, and are better equipped to establish ecological balance and conserve the environment.

Question 4: What are the qualities a person who works in conserving nature – wildlife and environment need? Give reasons to support your answer.

Answer: A conservationist needs to have a keen interest and love for nature. A conservationist also needs to have physical fitness and a willingness to take risks, because conservation work is likely to take them into various kinds of terrains and situations, not all of which may be very friendly.

Question 5: What kind of risks are faced by a person working for conserving wildlife and nature?

Answer: Wildlife and the wilderness is not always friendly, and a conservationist working in these environments has got to be prepared for a few accidents involving wild animals. Attenborough himself was attacked by an army of ants, and also faced difficulties and hardships in challenging terrains.

Question 6: How are the following professions important? Give two reasons for each.

(a) a naturalist

Answer: A naturalist studies how nature evolves, and provides us with important knowledge on what interventions can make certain flora and fauna grow and thrive.

(b) a conservationist

Answer: A conservationist keeps a watch on the numbers of species and works towards saving them from going extinct.

(c) an environmental advocate

Answer: An environment advocate raises awareness in general public as well as the people in power towards the urgent need to pay attention to environmental concerns.

(d) an environment minister

Answer: An environment minister ensures that funds are allocated towards bettering the environment and funds conservation measures.

So, these were The Godfather of The Natural History TV Questions & Answers.

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