The Greedy Dog Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Greedy Dog Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Caring, Postman Ronit on a Round and We’re Going To The Zoo so, you can check these posts as well.

The Greedy Dog Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why did the dog take the piece of meat from the shop?

Answer: The dog took the piece of meat from the shop because he was feeling very hungry.  

Question 2: What did the dog see in the water?

Answer: The dog saw his own reflection in the water.

Question 3: What was over the river?

Answer: There was a bridge over the river.

Question 4: How did the piece of meat fall into the river?

Answer: When the dog opened his mouth to bark, the piece of meat fall into the river.

Question 5: Choose the correct option:

1. What did the dog see in the shop?

(a) a piece of meat
(b) a piece of cake
(c) a piece of pizza

2. What did he have to cross on the way?

(a) a bridge
(b) a road
(c) a river

3. What did the dog see in the river?

(a) meat
(b) reflection
(c) another dog

Question 6: Fill in the blanks:

1. There was a bridge over the river.
2. The dog was feeling very hungry.
3. The dog took the piece of meat in his mouth.
4. The dog saw his reflection in the river.
5. The poor dog had to go home without any meat.

Question 7: Write True or False for the following statements:

1. A dog saw a piece of bread – False
2. The bridge was low – True
3. Another dog took his piece of meat – False
4. His piece of meat fell into the river – True

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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