Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Intelligent Advice Questions & Answers.
In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Tit For Tat and The Sky Is Falling so, you can check these posts as well.
The Intelligent Advice Questions & Answers
Question 1: Where did the flock of swans live?
Answer: The flock of swans lived on a river bank.
Question 2: What did the oldest swan say to the other swans?
Answer: The oldest swan said to others swans that he had noticed a vine growing near the root of their banyan tree. It needed to be uprooted otherwise someday the vine would creep around the trunk and would reach the branches of the tree.
Question 3: What will happen if the vine grows?
Answer: If the vine grows then some snake or hunter can easily climb up the tree and catch the swans and their young ones also.
Question 4: What did the swans reply to the oldest swan?
Answer: The swans replied that there was no need to get one can harm us. There was nothing to worry and they should not fear a vine which had not grown yet.
Question 5: How did the swans respond to the advice of the oldest swan?
Answer: The swans paid no heed to the old swan’s warning and flew away in search of food.
Question 6: What happened after several months?
Answer: After several months, the vine grew long and strong. It was wrapped around the trunk of the tree.
Question 7: What did the bird-catcher do?
Answer: The bird catcher climbed up the tree with the help of the vine. Then, he spread his net there to catch the swans and came down.
Question 8: What made the swans repent later on?
Answer: All the swans got trapped in the net. They shouted for help and asked the old swan for help. They repented for not listening to old swan.
Question 9: What did the swans promise to do?
Answer: The swans promised to listen to the old swan’s advice in the future.
Question 10: What is the moral of the story?
Answer: The moral of the story is that we should not ignore our elders’ advice.
Question 11: Choose the correct option:
1. The strong banyan tree was by the___________.
(a) river
(b) pond
(c) hill side
2. The oldest swan was __________.
(a) very strong
(b) very weak
(c) very sick
(d) very stupid
3. The swans paid no heed to the old swan’s__________.
(a) threaten
(b) request
(c) instruction
(d) warning
4. The vine wrapped the__________ of the tree.
(a) branch
(b) stump
(c) trunk
(d) roots
5. Who climbed up the tree?
(a) A bird catcher.
(b) A bird watcher.
(c) An ornithologist.
(d) A passer-by.
6. Who rescued the swans when they were trapped in the net?
(a) One of the swans.
(b) The oldest swan.
(c) The youngest swan.
(d) A kind hearted person.
7. In the long run, the flock of swans promised to___________.
(a) respect the seniors
(b) stop quarrelling
(c) listen to his advice in the future
(d) peacefully rest
Question 12: Write True or False for the following sentences:
1. We should not ignore our elders’ advice – False
2. The flock of swans were not pretending as if they were dead – False
3. The swans repented for not listening to the oldest swan – True
4. No sooner was the last one freed, than all the swans flew away – True
5. The old swan was living on a large rock on the top of the hill – False
6. The banyan tree was tall and strong – True
So, these were The Intelligent Advice Questions & Answers.