The Key To The Garden – 1 Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Key To The Garden – 1 Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Turtle’s Dome, A Mad Tea Party and Tom Paints The Fence so, you can check these posts as well.

The Key To The Garden – 1 Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Ben Weatherstaff was a (gardener/mason).

Answer: gardener

2. Ben Weatherstaff spoke about the arrival of (summer/spring).

Answer: spring

3. Mary was (eleven/ten) years old.

Answer: ten

4. Mary saw an old (key/ring) buried in the newly-turned soil.

Answer: key

Question 2: Where did Mary go? What did she do there?

Answer: Mary went into the main garden and around the fountain. She enjoyed the sunshine and kept looking at the bright blue sky. She tried to imagine how it would be if she could lie down on one of the little clouds and float about.

Question 3: Where did Mary find Ben Weatherstaff? What was she doing?

Answer: Mary found Ben Weatherstaff in the garden next to the main one. He was working with two other gardeners.

Question 4: Why did Mary ask Ben Weatherstaff if the robin remembered her?

Answer: Mars asked Ben Weatherstaff if the robin remembered her because the robin hopped close to Mary’s feet, tilted his head and looked at her as if he knew her.

Question 5: How did Mary find the key?

Answer: Mary saw the robin hop over a small pile of soil. She noticed something almost buried in the soil. She picked it up and found that it was an old key.

Question 6: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. “They will slowly poke up, push out and uncurl one leaf after another”.

(a) Who said this and to whom?

Answer: Ben Weatherstaff said this to Mary.

(b) What are ‘they’?

Answer: ‘They’ were crocuses, snowdrops and daffodils.

2. “He’s the only one who knows…..”

(a) Who is ‘he’?

Answer: ‘He’ is the robin.

(b) What does he know?

Answer: He knows if plants grow in the old garden.

(c) Why does he know?

Answer: Only he knows because no one else has been inside the garden for ten years.

3. “You are prettier than anything else in the world!”

(a) Why did the speaker say this?

Answer: Mary said this because she heard the chirping of the robin and felt that he remembered her.

(b) What did the pretty thing do?

Answer: The pretty thing pretended to peck things out of the soil. He seemed to announce his presence to her.

Question 7: Did the robin like Mary? How do you know?

Answer: The robin seemed to like Mary because he hopped close to her and looked at her as if he knew her. He also chirped to attract Mary’s attention. When Mary talked to him, he twittered in reply. He showed her where the key to the old garden was.

So, these were The Key To The Garden – 1 Questions & Answers.

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