The Key To The Garden – 2 Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Key To The Garden – 2 Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Key To The Garden – 1, The Turtle’s Dome and A Mad Tea Party so, you can check these posts as well.

The Key To The Garden – 2 Questions & Answers

Question 1: Fill in the blanks:

1. The robin greeted Mary with a chirp.
2. The doorknob was under the ivy hanging from the wall.
3. The key fitted the keyhole.
4. The secret garden was the most mysterious-looking place.
5. The walls of the garden were covered with leafless stems of climbing roses.

Question 2: Where did Mary find the robin?

Answer: Mary found the robin swaying on a long branch of ivy.

Question 3: What did Mary want the robin to do?

Answer: Mary wanted the robin to show her the door to the secret garden.

Question 4: How did Mary find the doorknob?

Answer: The robin flew to the top of the wall and sang a high-pitched song. It was so strong that it swayed the ivy hanging from the wall. Mary caught the ivy in her hand. She found the doorknob under it.

Question 5: How did Mary feel when she was inside the secret garden?

Answer: Mary felt she had found a world all her own and was excited. She felt it was the sweetest and most mysterious-looking place.

Question 6: Why did the secret garden look so mysterious?

Answer: The high walls were covered with stems of climbing roses which were thick and twisted together. They were spread all over the trees and swung down like swaying curtains. There were neither leaves nor roses on them but the branches looked like thick layers spreading over everything. This made the secret garden look so mysterious.

Question 7: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. “You showed me where the key was yesterday,” she said.

(a) Which key was the speaker talking about?

Answer: Mary was talking about the key to the secret garden.

(b) What did the speaker expect from the listener next?

Answer: She expected the robin to show her the door of the garden.

2. “I am the first person who has spoken in here for ten years.”

(a) Who is ‘I’?

Answer: ‘I’ is Mary.

(b) Where was the speaker?

Answer: Mary was inside the secret garden.

(c) Why had nobody spoken there for ten years?

Answer: Nobody had spoken there for ten years because the door was locked and nobody had been there.

Question 8: When Mary was inside the secret garden, why did she feel that she had found a world that was all her own?

Answer: When Mary was inside the secret garden, she felt that she had found a world that was all her own because nobody had entered the garden in ten years. Now, Mary had found the key to the garden.

So, these were The Key To The Garden – 2 Questions & Answers.

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