The Laburnum Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Laburnum Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Meera Uberoi. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions & answers of Harold Our Hornbill, To a Butterfly and Scratching the Tiger’s Back so, you can check these posts as well.

The Laburnum Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Advertise itself – make itself noticeable
  • Crystallized sunbeams burst out – here, the rays of the sun that filter out from among the yellow flowers of the tree
  • Topaz light – glows like the bright topaz
  • Gold – here, the falling yellow flowers

Question 1: Explain the meaning of these lines in your own words.

1. A lone laburnum.

Answer: A tree which is all alone and does not make itself noticeable.

2. There’s nothing to this tree

Answer: Ordinary looking tree that has nothing special.

3. The thundery grey sky casts its gloom

Answer: The dusty sky covers its dull leaves.

4. It burns with topaz light.

Answer: It shines bright like a gemstone.

5. Drops gold on passers-by.

Answer: Drops leaves on all those who are passing through that way.

Question 2: How is the tree similar to the crows? How are they different?

Answer: The tree is similar to crows in many ways. Both are ordinary and unremarkable creatures. But the tree, laburnum, is different from crow because it doesn’t make itself noticeable whereas the crows advertise themselves by cawing and shouting.

Question 3: How does the laburnum tree become special in the summer, the monsoon and on windy days?

Answer: The laburnum tree gives a golden look in the summer as its yellow leaves attract everyone. In the monsoon, it is covered by the darkness of the clouds and on a windy day, the fast blowing-breeze drops its leaves on the passers-by.

Question 4: But the little tree is quite untouched.

a. What is the tree untouched by?

Answer: The tree is untouched by the thundery grey skies.

b. How is it untouched?

Answer: It is untouched because it glows like a bright topaz and nobody dares to touch it.

Question 5: How does the tree please the beggar?

Answer: The beggar is pleased to see the beauty of the Laburnum tree. He is delighted and enjoy the beautiful moment in its company. He even forgets his pain and sufferings whenever he looks at the tree.

Question 6: What kind of joy does the poet describe as ‘free’?

Answer: ‘Free’ is the joy that the beggar experiences while passing by the laburnum tree.

Question 7: Why doesn’t the laburnum need to advertise itself?

Answer: The laburnum need not to advertise because its value increases automatically in the summer season.

So, these were The Laburnum Questions & Answers.

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