The Little Cotyledons Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Little Cotyledons Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Key To The Garden – 1, The Key To The Garden – 2 and The Turtle’s Dome so, you can check these posts as well.

The Little Cotyledons Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Margery knew that the (flowers/seeds) could not grow in a single night.

Answer: seeds

2. The radish leaves, the lettuce leaves and the beet leaves looked (alike/different).

Answer: alike

3. Plants are divided into (three/two) kinds.

Answer: two

4. Plants that have one food leaf are called (monocotyledons/dicotyledons)

Answer: monocotyledons

5. In nurseries, trees are raised for forest and (houses/parks).

Answer: parks

Question 2: Why could Margery not wait to look at her garden?

Answer: Margery could not wait to look at her garden because she was very anxious. Though she knew that the seeds could not grow in a day, she felt something might happen while she was not looking at them.

Question 3: What did Margery see after a few days?

Answer: After a few days, Margery saw a little crack opening up through the soil along the entire stretch of the patch. She also saw tiny green leaves trying to come out of the soil.

Question 4: Why was Margery anxious?

Answer: Margery was anxious because the leaves of the radish, the lettuce and the beets looked alike. She thought she had planted radish in all the rows.

Question 5: What are food-supply leaves? What happens to them?

Answer: The food-supply leaves are not the real leaves of the plant. They are like little pockets that hold food for the plant till it is strong enough to push up into the air. Once the real leaves come out and start drawing food from the air, the food-supply leaves dry up and fall off.

Question 6: Why do nursery workers have to be taught the difference between trees and weeds?

Answer: Nursery workers have to be taught the difference between trees and weeds because some trees and weeds that are dicotyledons look alike when they start growing. If the workers are not trained, they might pull up the trees thinking they are weeds.

Question 7: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. She knelt down on the footpath, to see.

(a) Who knelt down?

Answer: Margery knelt down.

(b) What did she want to see?

Answer: She wanted to see what was in the crack.

2. “Do you think we could have put radishes in all the rows?”

(a) Who said this and to whom?

Answer: Margery said this to her mother.

(b) Why did the speaker say this?

Answer: She said this because the leaves of the radish, the lettuce and the beets appeared similar.

3. “How funny!”

(a) What was funny?

Answer: The fact that nursery workers have to he taught the difference between a birch tree and a weed was funny.

(b) Why was it funny?

Answer: It was funny because nursery workers were supposed to know the difference.

Question 8: Why did Margery feel that she could learn a good deal from living in the country?

Answer: Margery felt that she could learn a good deal from living in the country because there were more plants and trees in the country than in the city. She would not be able to learn in detail about plants if she lived in a city.

So, these were The Little Cotyledons Questions & Answers.

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