The Lost Child Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Lost Child Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Blanket, The Unwanted Guest and The Muddle Head From Petushkee so, you can check these posts as well.

The Lost Child Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Which season is mentioned in this story?

(a) winter
(b) spring
(c) summer
(d) autumn

2. What is the child’s favourite sweet?

(a) barfi
(b) gulab jamun
(c) jalebi
(d) rasagulla

3. What is the snake charmer playing?

(a) banjo
(b) guitar
(c) flute
(d) piano

4. Who did the child lose in the crowded village fair?

(a) brothers
(b) grandparents
(c) sisters
(d) parents

Question 2: What attracted the child on the footpath?

Answer: The insects and worms teeming out from their hiding places attracted the child on the footpath.

Question 3: How did the mother distract the child’s from the toy seller?

Answer: The mother distracted the child’s mind from the toy seller by pointing towards a flowering mustard field. He saw colourful dragon flies and started running after them.

Question 4: The child wanted to have balloons; then why did he not ask his father for them?

Answer: The child wanted to have balloons but he did not ask his father for them because he knew that his parents would say that he was too old to play with them.

Question 5: Why did the child’s parents stop near a grove?

Answer: The child’s parents stopped for some rest in a grove.

Question 6: What happened as the child entered the grove?

Answer: As the child entered the grove a shower of lovely flowers fell upon him. Forgetting his parents, he began to gather the raining petals in his hands.

Question 7: Why was the child left behind again and again?

Answer: The child was attracted by the sight of coloured balloons of balloon seller, sweet meat seller, garlands and the snake charmer’s flute that he kept moving without waiting for his parents reply. Finally, he was left behind again and again.

Question 8: Why did the child lose interest in the things he wanted earlier?

Answer: The child lost interest in the things he wanted earlier because the only thing that he wanted at that moment was to get back to his parents. He was panic-stricken and he just wanted to be united with them again.

Question 9: Describe the scene at the temple.

Answer: Near the entrance of the temple, the crowd becomes very thick. Men jostled each other. The poor child was knocked to and fro. He fell down and was going to be trampled underfoot.

Question 10: Who rescued the lost child? What did he offer to buy him?

Answer: The man in the shrine rescued the lost child. He took him to the nearest roundabout swing and offered to buy him flowers, balloons and sweets.

Question 11: Write a short note on the various things to be found at the fair.

Answer: Various things to be found at the fair were:

A sweetmeat seller selling many coloured sweets, a flower seller selling garlands of Gulmohar, a man holding a pole with balloons flying from it, a snake-charmer playing a flute to a snake and men, women and children in a roundabout carried away in a whirling motion.

Question 12: Do you think the lost child will be reunited with his parents? Discuss.

Answer: Yes, the lost child would have been reunited with his parents because the kind-hearted person must have tried his best to find the child’s parents. On the other hand, the parents of the child must have Left no stone unturned to find their child.

So, these were The Lost Child Questions & Answers.

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