The Magic Wardrobe Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Magic Wardrobe Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Mark Of A Champion, How The Little Kite Learned To Fly and Tine and The Faraway so, you can check these posts as well.

The Magic Wardrobe Questions & Answers

Question 1: Complete these sentences.

1. The children decided to explore the house because they could not go out as it was raining very heavily, such that the mountains, the woods and even the stream in the garden could not be seen.

2. In the wardrobe, Lucy looked back over her shoulders because though she wanted to explore the wood, she was frightened and wanted to see how far she had gone from the wardrobe and if she could go back or not.

3. Mr Tumnus said it was dangerous because the White Witch would catch and punish them if she got to know that Mr Tumnus was letting a human escape.

4. The other children did not wonder where Lucy had gone because according to them, they had just come out of the room a moment ago and had not noticed that Lucy was not with them.

5. Lucy burst into tears because no one believed her.

Question 2: ā€œLetā€™s go and explore them tomorrow.ā€ Who said this to whom? Why did the speaker say these words?

Answer: Peter said these words to Susan, Edmund and Lucy. Peter, who lived in London, really liked the countryside where they had been sent to live with the professor. He said these words because he was eager to explore the surrounding mountains and woods.

Question 3: ā€œAre you a human?ā€ Who said this to whom? Read the entire story and say if there was a special reason for the speaker to ask this question.

Answer: Mr Tumnus said these words to Lucy. Yes, there was a special reason for Mr Tumnus to ask this question. The White Witch had asked Mr Tumnus to catch human boys and girls and bring them to her. But Mr Tumnus had never seen a human being before, so he had to ask this strange question to Lucy.

Question 4: ā€œI really must go home now.ā€ Who said these words? What did the listener do on hearing these words? Why?

Answer: Lucy said these words to Mr Tumnus. On hearing these words, Mr Tumnus burst into tears.

Mr Tumnus started crying because he felt very bad about not being honest with Lucy. While she had trusted him and came to his home, he had actually wanted to harm her. He worked for the White Witch, who had ordered him to catch human boys and girls in the wood and take them to her. He had pretended to be Lucyā€™s friend and had invited her to tea, but all the while he had actually been waiting for Lucy to fall asleep, so that he would be able to go and tell the White Witch about her.

Question 5: Why wouldnā€™t Mr Tumnus tell the White Witch about Lucy?

Answer: Mr Tumnus would not tell the White Witch about Lucy because now that he had got to know Lucy, he had grown fond of her and could not give her to the witch.

Question 6: What is your idea of Lucy from these events?

(a) Being the only one to look inside the wardrobe

Answer: Lucy was curious and wanted to explore. She did not just follow the crowd, but had a mind of her own.

(b) Entering the wood alone

Answer: Lucy was brave and courageous. Although she was frightened, she was too excited and curious to give up exploring the wood, which seemed magical to her.

(c) Going to Mr Tumnusā€™ house

Answer: Lucy was impulsive and sometimes did not think things through before doing them. It was rather unwise of her to accept Mr Tumnusā€™ invite as it could have landed her in great trouble. She should have known him better than to simply accept the invitation of a stranger.

(d) Bursting into tears

Answer: Lucy was sensitive and was easily hurt.

So, these were The Magic Wardrobe Questions & Answers.

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