The Mark Of A Champion Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Mark Of A Champion Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Unke Munke Timpetoo, Seeds and The Visit To The Mansion so, you can check these posts as well.

The Mark Of A Champion Questions & Answers

Question 1: Match the columns:

Column AColumn B
1. Out of eight, four girls would move to the third and final round becausea. the injured right arm could not take the pain of holding the bow any more.
2. Sweety was surprised to see Susmita wearing an arm guard sinceb. the competition was on the basis of knockout eliminations.
3. The arrow fell off as Susmita’s arm jerked involuntarily becausec. the arrow hit black on the target face.
4. Susmita saw her dreams being dashed asd. he felt Susmita was a true champion.  
5. Mukesh Hansda offered to train Susmita in his academy becausee. Susmita was a right-handed archer and her right hand was injured.
Answer: 1-b, 2-e, 3-a, 4-c, 5-d

Question 2: Why was the crowd ‘stunned’?

Answer: Everyone knew that Susmita was a right-handed archer and that she had injured that hand. Her rival and their supporters had thought she would pull out of the competition. Thus, the crowd was stunned to see that Susmita was not only participating in the competition, but also scoring very well with her left hand.

Question 3: But this was no miracle. What is being referred to as ‘this’ here? Why was it not a miracle?

Answer: Here, ‘this’ refers to the good scoring of Susmita.

It was not a miracle because Susmita had worked very hard to achieve it. She had been determined not to allow her injury to come in the way of her dream. She had practised continuously with her left hand for the past three days till she got command on it. At first, she had struggled to even position the arrow on the string. But by the second day, she had not only managed to do so but had also been able to aim and shoot the arrows. However, the arrows were flying all over her garden. By the end of the third day, she was able to hit the target every single time.

Question 4: “If I can believe it, the mind can achieve it!” What do these words mean? How did these words help Susmita?

Answer: These words mean that if Susmita could make herself believe that she would be successful, then she would definitely be able to achieve her goal.

These words helped Susmita to focus and ignore the increasing pain in her right arm. It made her believe in herself and her ability and she was able to hit the bull’s eye.

Question 5: “S-sir, th-that is the reason I wanted to win the championship so badly! Who said this to whom? When? Which ‘reason’ was Susmita referring to?

Answer: Susmita said this to Mukesh Hansda. Susmita said these words when Mukesh Hansda, the chief guest for the event, congratulated her and offered her a scholarship in his well-known training academy.

Since Susmita had not won the gold medal, which would have made her qualify for the scholarship, she did not expect to get admission in the academy and thus, did not realise that Mukesh Hansda was actually waiting for her answer. Here, ‘reason’ refers to the opportunity to be trained in Mukesh Hansda’s academy, which was every aspiring archer’s dream, but the fees were very high and only gold medallists qualified for the scholarship they offered.

Question 6: And the mark of a champion is not whether you fall, it is whether you get back up again. Say with examples from the text how Susmita fitted Hansda’s idea of a champion.

Answer: Susmita had injured her hand very badly but she did not let that setback come in the way of achieving her dreams. She still participated in the competition. She practised very hard with her left hand, which was almost like learning everything from scratch. She practised till she could not get it wrong and trained herself mentally to win. This attitude and hard work helped her win the bronze medal in spite of her injury. So, Susmita definitely fitted into Hansda’s idea of a champion.

Question 7: Do you think the title of the story is suitable? Why?

Answer: The title of the story is ‘The Mark Of A Champion’. According to me, it is suitable because the mark of a champion player is to fight back with his/her determination and hard work. In this story, Susmita did the same and managed to win a bronze medal inspite of her injury.

So, these were The Mark Of A Champion Questions & Answers.

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