The Mountain That Ate People Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Mountain That Ate People Questions & Answers.

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The Mountain That Ate People Questions & Answers

Question 1: How did ‘The Mountain That Ate People’ get its name?

Answer: It got its name because the young feudal lord forced people to leave their elderly relatives on the mountain to die, leading to its association with consuming lives.

Question 2: Why did the young farmer defy the decree? What does it tell us about him?

Answer: The son defied the order because he did not want to see his mother die. He realised how much she loved him and he wanted to save her life. This tells us that he had a great love for her, as well as strength of character.

Question 3: What proclamation did the feudal lord send across his land and what did he promise?

Answer: The feudal lord sent a proclamation asking for solutions to impossible riddles, promising rewards for whoever could solve them.

Question 4: What was the first question that the overlord asked? What advice did the farmer’s mother give?

Answer: The first question was how to burn a bundle of thousand strings to ashes and yet, keep the bundle intact. The farmer’s mother said that the bundle had to be soaked in seawater and dried out before burning.

Question 5: What was the question posed by the overlord about the drum? What was the answer suggested by the farmer’s mother?

Answer: The overlord’s question about the drum was to create a self-playing drum. The farmer’s mother suggested placing bumblebees inside an ordinary drum covered with paper, making it produce sound without being touched.

Question 6: How did the feudal lord react when the farmer told him the truth?

Answer: When the farmer told the truth, the feudal lord realized the wisdom of the elderly and his mistake in exiling them. He revoked the cruel decree.

Question 7: What important lesson did the feudal lord and overlord learn?

Answer: The important lesson both the feudal lord and the overlord learnt was the value of wisdom, particularly that which comes from older individuals. They understood the significance of respecting the elderly and their insights, realizing it brought solutions and harmony to their realms.

The Mountain That Ate People Questions & Answers

Question 8: What does it mean to have courage of conviction? Who in this story exhibited courage of conviction and how did she/he display it?

Answer: To have courage of conviction means to stand up for what one believes in, even if it might mean having to face hardships or trouble. In the story, the farmer displays this quality when he decides to defy the feudal lord’s decree to desert his mother on the mountainside. In doing the morally upright thing, he chose to run the risk of severe punishment.

Question 9: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. “Soon there will be hardly any old people left, and the feudal lord was jubilant.”

(a) Why were there very few old people left?

Answer: There were very few old people left because the feudal lord enforced a decree that mandated leaving them on the mountain to die at the age of sixty-one.

(b) What is the significance of ’soon’?

Answer: The word “soon” indicates a rapid decline in the number of old people, emphasizing the efficiency and severity of the decree’s enforcement.

(c) Why was the feudal lord jubilant?

Answer: The feudal lord was jubilant because his plan to eliminate old people from the state seemed successful. He thought that now his state would be prosper as the people in it were young and energetic, and there were no aged folk to hinder and trouble them.

2. “There is nothing strange about my thought.”

(a) Who say this and to whom?

Answer: The farmer’s mother said this to her son.

(b) Why did the other person think that the thoughts were strange?

Answer: The other person thought that the thoughts were strange because he was carrying her to her death and she was thinking of his welfare and how would he get back home safely.

(c) What does the speaker think about the thoughts?

Answer: The speaker thinks it is perfectly natural for her, a mother, to always think of her son’s wellbeing.

3. “Tell me honestly, who has helped you?”

(a) Who are ‘me’ and ‘you’ in this sentence?

Answer: ‘Me’ is the feudal lord and ‘you’ is the farmer.

(b) What help is being referred to here?

Answer: The help being referred to here is the assistance or guidance in solving complex problems, as witnessed in the solutions to the overlord’s riddles.

(c) Who helped the listener in this situation?

Answer: The listener’s mother helped him in this situation by providing the solutions that saved lives and the state from the overlord’s challenges.

So, these were The Mountain That Ate People Questions & Answers.

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