The Mysterious Visitor 2 Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Mysterious Visitor 2 Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Mysterious Visitor 1, Spring Quiet and Mowgli In Trouble so, you can check these posts as well.

The Mysterious Visitor 2 Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. The first to walk into the visitor’s room was

(a) Jaffers.
(b) HaII.
(c) Wadgers.
(d) Huxter.

2. The invisible man agreed to go with the policeman on the condition that

(a) they assured his quick release.
(b) he was not handcuffed.
(c) they would treat him well.
(d) he was allowed to take off his clothes.

3. By accident, Jaffers hit __________ head with his stick.

(a) Teddy Henfrey’s
(b) Sandy Wadger’s
(c) Mr Huxter’s
(d) Mr Shuckleforth’s

Question 2: Read the lines and answer the questions:

“All it is, is empty clothes. Look!”

(a) Who said these words?

Answer: Mr Huxter, a store owner, said these words.

(b) What did the speaker unknowingly do immediately after he said this?

Answer: Immediately after the speaker said this, he put out his hand and hit something in the middle of the air, which, the invisible man said, were his eyes.

Question 3: Read the lines and answer the questions:

“And it all points to you.”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: The policeman, Mr Jaffers, said these words to the invisible man.

(b) What does ‘it’ refer to here?

Answer: The ‘it’ here referred to the robbery that took place at the priest’s house that morning.

(c) How does the listener respond to his accusation?

Answer: The listener denied the accusation and said, “What foolish talk”.

Question 4: Read the lines and answer the questions:

“But it is the rule.”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: The policeman, Mr Jaffers, said these words to the invisible man.

(b) What ‘rule’ is being referred to here?

Answer: The ‘rule’ was that a suspect (here, the invisible man) should be handcuffed.

(c) What practical problem did the speaker face regarding the rule?

Answer: The problem that Mr Jaffers faced regarding the rule was that he could not see the wrist of the mysterious visitor, since he was an invisible man.

The Mysterious Visitor 2 Questions & Answers

Question 5: Who were the three men who came into the visitor’s room? Why had they come?

Answer: The three men, who came into the visitor’s room, were the inn owner, Mr Hall; the policeman, Mr Jaffers; and the blacksmith, Sandy Wadgers. They came to arrest the invisible man.

Question 6: Why did Huxter pull his hand back with a cry of surprise?

Answer: Huxter pulled his hand back with a cry of surprise because, when he put out his hand and hit something in the middle of the air, the invisible man said that he had hit him in the eye.

Question 7: What reason did Jaffers give for taking the invisible man into custody?

Answer: Jaffers said that he wanted to take the invisible man into custody because there was a robbery that morning in the priest’s house and all circumstances pointed to the invisible man being the culprit.

Question 8: How did the invisible man finally break free of Jaffers’s grasp? What happened to Jaffers?

Answer: Jaffers had caught hold of the invisible man, who in turn held Jaffers painfully by the neck. However, Jaffers collapsed under the group of people trying to move out of the front door of the inn and as his head hit the hard road, the invisible man broke free of his hold and escaped. Jaffers was left to the ground with his face looking up the sky, suggesting that he died in the commotion.

Question 9: Think and Answer:

1. The invisible man did not want to be handcuffed. What do you think was hìs reason for resisting handcuffs? Tick the correct option.

(a) He did not want to be treated like a common criminal.
(b) He would have become visible when handcuffed.
(c) He did not think the police had enough reason to arrest him.

2. “Here, stop that!” shouted Jaffers, understanding now what was happening. What did Jaffers understand was happening? Give the answer by completing Jaffers’s unfinished dialogue:

“Hold him! If he gets his clothes off……”

Answer: When the invisible man was removing the different items of his clothing, Jaffers immediately understood that he was trying to escape. Therefore he said, “Hold hìm! If he gets his clothes off, he would escape. Although invisible, he could still be spotted by his clothes that are visible. But if he succeeds in getting rid of them, he will become completely invisible and escape.”

Question 10: What do these sentences from the lesson mean? Choose the correct options.

1. Get his feet.

(a) Touch his feet.
(b) Hold his feet so that he can’t escape.

2. That is the man.

(a) He is a man.
(b) He is the man you are looking for.

3. Do what you must do.

(a) You should do your duty.
(b) You must do what you want.

4. It all points to you.

(a) You have a point there.
(b) All the clues point to you as being guilty.

5. I must take you in.

(a) I must arrest you.
(b) I have to take you inside.

So, these were The Mysterious Visitor 2 Questions & Answers.

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