The Outsider Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Outsider Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Rats’ Feast, Gold Poem and Waiting In Line At A Drugstore so, you can check these posts as well.

The Outsider Questions & Answers

Question 1: Who is the speaker in this poem?

Answer: The speaker in this poem is a wheelchair bound boy.

Question 2: What do other people think disable people should do? Which lines tell us this?

Answer: People expect disabled people to resign to their fate without much hue and cry and thus be patient, sit in a corner silently and see life pass them by. The following lines tell us this,

‘Expected to sit and not make a sound
Just to smile and let the world go by
With saintly patience and never sigh.’

Question 3: People pay no attention to me because they cannot understand what I’m trying to say.’ This is what line number _________means.

Answer: eight

Question 4: What kind of disability do you think the speaker in the poem suffers from? What does it prevent the person from doing?

Answer: The speaker suffers from a speech disability. He is also unable to walk. These disabilities prevent the speaker from performing even the simplest of tasks.

Question 5: How does the disabled person want others to treat him? (Fill in the blanks)

Answer: He wants them to involve him in their activities and help him live life to the fullest.

Question 6: What does the disabled person want to be allowed to do?

Answer: The speaker wants to be allowed to live his life normally.

Question 7: What is the significance of the title? Is this how disabled people think of themselves? Or Is this how other people think of them?

Answer: The title is apt for the poem as the speaker here is telling people how they treat him and how he actually wants to be treated by them. The poem illustrates what other people think of handicapped people.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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