The Pandavas In Exile Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Pandavas In Exile Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Tremendous Tree and The Voice Of Conscience so, you can check these posts as well.

The Pandavas In Exile Questions & Answers

Question 1: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. The Pandava brothers were in a forest – True
2. The Pandava brothers were with Draupadi – True
3. The Pandava brothers found a waterfall in the forest – False
4. The brothers drank water from a polluted pool – False
5. The brothers became more energetic after drinking the water – False
6. Yama advised Yudhishthira to go with his brothers to Matsya – True

Question 2: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. “…this enchanted pool belongs to me. No one may drink of its water until he has answered my questions.”

(a) Who is the speaker of these lines?

Answer: Yaksha, the owner of the enchanted pool is the speaker of these lines.

(b) Who is being addressed here?

Answer: Sahadeva is being addressed here.

(c) What would be the consequence of drinking water without answering questions?

Answer: Since the enchanted pool belonged to Yaksha, so whoever wanted to drink the water from the pool had to answer all his questions else the consequence of drinking water without answering questions would be death.

(d) Who drank without answering the questions?

Answer: All the four brothers of Yudhishthira drank water from the enchanted pool without answering the questions and they were Sahadeva, Nakul, Bhima and Arjuna.

2. “Yudhishthira looked at the unconscious forms of his brothers. It was hard for him to decide. But he spoke at last…”

(a) Which brothers are being referred to here?

Answer: All the four brothers of Yudhishthira are being referred to here and they were Sahadeva, Nakul, Bhima and Arjuna.

(b) Why were they unconscious?

Answer: They were unconscious because they all drank some water from the enchanted pool. Since the enchanted pool belonged to Yaksha and in spite of his warning, they drank water of the pool without answering his questions.

(c) What was hard for him to decide?

Answer: Yaksha was pleased by all the answers asked by him to Yudhishthira and Yaksha said that, “I shall restore to you one of your brothers. Choose who it shall be.” to Yudhishthira. Yudhishthira looked at the unconscious forms of his brothers. It was hard for him to decide to whom he should choose.

(d) What did he decide in the end?

Answer: He decided to restore his brother, Nakula in the end.

3. “..he had come to help the Pandavas in their hour of need. He told him how pleased he was with Yudhishthira’s noble conduct and wisdom.”

(a) Who had come to help the Pandavas?

Answer: Yama had come to help the Pandavas.

(b) What does ‘their hour of need’ mean here?

Answer: ‘Their hour of need’ means the time when help is most needed for someone. In this story, Yama became ‘their hour of need’ by instructing Pandavas where to go and spend their last year of exile without being recognized so that they would be safe from their enemies while they awaited the end of their long period of exile.

(c) What noble conduct and wisdom is being referred to here?

Answer: Yudhishthira was calm and wisest among all the five brothers. Although, he was thirsty, but by keeping patience and tolerance he had answered all the questions asked by Yaksha very correctly and efficiently which proved that in true sense he was a true King, thus revived all his four brothers back to life. With Yudhishthira’s noble conduct and wisdom, he restored to life not just one of the brothers, but all of them. This type of noble conduct and wisdom is being referred to here

(d) How did he reward Yudhishthira?

Answer: He rewarded Yudhishthira by reviving all his brothers back to life and also blessed him and promised that he and his brothers would be protected by heaven in their hardships.

The Pandavas In Exile Questions & Answers

Question 3: Why were the Pandava brothers tired?

Answer: Pandavas was going to pursuit of a deer in the forest, wandered far from their dwelling place. The sun was hot overhead and they grew thirsty. The deer had vanished, their mouths were parched, they searched for water in every direction, but did not succeed and finally, they got fatigue and got tired.

Question 4: Whom did Yudhishthira send to fetch some water?

Answer: Yudhisthira sent his four brothers to get some water in this order: Nakula, Sahadeva, Arjuna, and Bhima. They all ignored the Yaksha’s warning and died, but were later brought to life when Yudhisthira answered all of the Yaksha’s questions satisfactorily.

Question 5: What made Yudhishthira anxious?

Answer: When Yudhishthira’s siblings who had gone to bring some water from a pond, had not returned, this made Yudhishthira anxious.

Question 6: What had happened to the four brothers?

Answer: During the vanavas, Pandavas were wandering in forests and once they felt thirsty. Then, Yudhishthira has asked to Sahadeva to look for water. He found a lake and when he was going to drink water, a hidden voice has warned him not to drink water before answering all his questions. But Sahadeva had ignored that voice and drank some water and fell dead on the ground. The same thing happened to Sahadeva, Arjuna and Bhima. This all happened to the four brothers.

Question 7: Why had this happened to the four brothers?

Answer: This had happened to all the four brothers because they all drank some water from the enchanted pool. Since, the enchanted pool belonged to Yaksha and in spite of his warning, they drank water from the pool without answering all his questions.

Question 8: On what condition did Yaksha let anyone drink water from his pool?

Answer: The condition on which Yaksha let anyone drink water from his pool was to answer all his questions before drinking water. Since the enchanted pool belonged to Yaksha, and he wanted to test everyone’s wisdom and patience too.

Question 9: What did Yudhishthira say when he heard Yaksha’s warning voice?

Answer: Yudhisthira desired to drink some water to quench his parched throat when he suddenly heard a voice that forbade him to drink from the lake. It was the voice of Yaksha, who asked Yudhishthira to answer all his questions, after which he could drink the water. Yudhisthira looked around and asked “who are you?” Yudhisthira also asked him to ask all his questions and he will try his best to answer it. This is said by Yudhisthira when he heard Yaksha’s warning voice.

The Pandavas In Exile Questions & Answers

Question 10: What were the questions asked by Yaksha?

Answer: The questions asked by Yaksha’s were the following:

  • ‘What makes the Sun shine?’
  • ‘What is man’s surest weapon against danger?’
  • ‘What gives more to man than even the earth does? What feeds him and sustains him and makes him strong?’
  • ‘When does a man become loved by his fellows?’
  • ‘What is that which makes a man happy when he has lost it?’
  • ‘What can a man give up and immediately become rich?’
  • ‘Is not Bhima more useful to you?’ Will you not benefit from his great strength in the war that will surely come? Why do you not choose Arjuna? Is he not dearer to you than all? Is he not most handsome? Why then do you choose Nakula?

Question 11: How did Yudhishthira answer each of Yaksha’s questions?

Answer: Yudhishthira was calm in handling the situation. He saw a possible way of redeeming the situation. In search of his brothers, Yudhishthira reached the same pool. When he wanted to drink some water, he also heard the same warning from the invisible voice, so before drinking the water of the pool, Yudhishthira answered all the questions asked by Yaksha patiently and calmly. Thus, Yudhishthira’s impartiality pleased the Yaksha most. So, Yaksha rewarded him by reviving his all dead brothers back to life.

Question 12: Who was Yama?

Answer: Yama was none other than Lord Yama, the God of Death and the Godfather (heavenly father) of Yudhishtra.

Question 13: What did Yama do for Yudhishthira and why?

Answer: Yama was very pleased by Yudhishthira’s answers and brought back everyone to life. He also blessed them with victory against the Kauravas. He also promised that he and his brothers would be protected by heaven in their hardships. Yama did this because he was pleased by listening Yudhishthira’s answers and he was Yudhishthira’s heavenly father also and helped them in their hour of needs.

Question 14: What advice did Yama give to Yudhishthira?

Answer: Yama advised Yudhishthira to go with his brothers and Draupadi to Matsya, where the good King Virata ruled, and to live there in disguise. There they would be safe from their enemies while they awaited the end of their long period of exile.

So, these were The Pandavas In Exile Questions & Answers.

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