The Photograph Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Photograph Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Cheshire Cat, PO and The Mask so, you can check these posts as well.

The Photograph Questions & Answers

Question 1: Describe the narrator’s grandmother.

Answer: The narrator’s grandmother was very old, dressed in a plain white sari. Her eyes were not very strong now but her fingers moved quickly with the needles. Grandmother had white hair but there were very few wrinkles on her skin.

Question 2: The narrator found something that fascinated him. What was it? Explain.

Answer: The narrator, found a book with colourful pictures of birds and butterflies that fascinated him. He found a small photograph between the pages. It was a faded, yellow and foggy picture of a girl standing against a wall.

Question 3: What deterrent was his grandmother always threatening to use?

Answer: His grandmother was always threatening to teach him how to knit which was a good deterrent for keeping him out of mischief.

Question 4: Describe the girl in the photograph.

Answer: The girl had long, loose hair and wore a long dress, and her sleeves that reached her wrists. There were a lot of bangles on her hands. Despite the girl appeared to be full of freedom and movement. She had a devilish smile on her face.

Question 5: What was Grandmother’s reaction to the photograph?

Answer: Grandmother stared at the photograph for quite a long time. She called the girl in the picture a very wicked girl.

Question 6: What did Grandmother remember which was not in the photograph?

Answer: Grandmother remembered that it was a spring day and there was a cold breeze blowing.  She remembered that the flowers at the girl’s feet were marigolds and the creeper was of purple bougainvillea.

Question 7: Why did Grandmother consider the clothes the girl was wearing terrible?

Answer: Grandmother considered the clothes the girl was wearing terrible because they were very fine and the dress reached almost her ankles and had sleeves up to her wrists. The long dress was a problem for running around and playing.

Question 8: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. ‘Look as this picture! I found it in the box of old things.’

(a) Who is the speaker and to whom is he speaking?

Answer: The little boy is the speaker and he is speaking to his grandmother.

(b) Where had the box of old things been found?

Answer: The box of old things had been found in the attic.

(c) Who was the picture of? Describe the person.

Answer: It was the picture of a girl standing against a wall. The girl had long, loose hair and wore a long dress, and her sleeves that reached her wrists. There were a lot of bangles on her hands. Despite the girl appeared to be full of freedom and movement, she had a devilish smile on her face.

2. ‘But she was a very wicked girl.’

(a) Who do you think the girl was? Who is speaking?

Answer: I think, the girl was the speaker’s grandmother. Grandmother is speaking to him.

(b) Where and when was the photograph taken?

Answer: The photograph was taken about sixty years ago. It was taken in the garden of the boy’s grandfather’s house.

(c) What was strange about the hands?

Answer: In the picture, there could be seen a pair of hands which reached up the wall from the other side as though someone was going to climb the wall. Even the grandmother had noticed it for the first time.

3. ‘I wonder whose hands they were.’

(a) Who is the speaker and who is being spoken to?

Answer: Grandmother is the speaker. She whispered to herself.

(b) What was the speaker doing at this time?

Answer: The speaker was knitting a woollen scarf.

(c) Which insect interrupted this peaceful moment and how?

Answer: A lemon yellow coloured butterfly interrupted this peaceful moment. It settled on the end of the Grandmother’s knitting needle and stayed there for a while.

Question 9: Explain these phrases from the story:

1. Family heirlooms

Answer: The things inherited from one generation to other in a family.

2. Yellow and foggy

Answer: Old and faded

3. A good deterrent

Answer: To make somebody avoid doing something

4. Devilish smile

Answer: Smile with cunning thought going in mind.

5. A lot of ruffianly boys

Answer: Group of rough and violent boys.

6. Scratch and pull his hair out

Answer: To pull someone’s hair violently in order to hurt him.

So, these were The Photograph Questions & Answers.

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