The Prince Who Loved Books Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Prince Who Loved Books Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Star Tree, Abou Ben Adhem and Little Girls Wiser Than Men so, you can check these posts as well.

The Prince Who Loved Books Questions & Answers

Question 1: Where was Gul Mahal situated?

Answer: GuI Mahal was situated in the middle of the lake in Udaipur.

Question 2: When did Prînce Khurram decide to make peace with his father?

Answer: Prince Khurram had rebelled against his father, Emperor Jahangir. After several unsuccessful attempts to gather support in the Deccan, he decided to make peace with his father.

Question 3: Why did Dara’s eyes fill with tears?

Answer: On the message of emperor, that both the princes had to live at his court, Dara became sad that he was going to separate from his parents.

Question 4: Why did Dara’s heart race faster as the pink sandstone walls of the fort rose before him?

Answer: Dara’s heart raced faster at seeing the fort’s wall because he did not know what life would be like without his parents and he was not sure whether his grandfather would love him or would be so angry.

Question 5: How díd Dara greet the Emperor?

Answer: Dara stood silent, until someone tapped on his shoulder and told him to greet the Emperor. Dara obediently bent low in a respectful salaam.

Question 6: Why did Nur Jahan decide to leave for Kashmir?

Answer: When the heat ¡n the plains rose, the Emperor’s health began to deteriorate, and so Nur Jahan decided to leave for the cooler climes of Kashmir.

The Prince Who Loved Books Questions & Answers

Question 7: Who were Daras tutors? What did they teach him?

Answer: Dara’s tutor, Mullah Abdul Latif Sultanpuri, introduced him to Sufi philosophy. Mullah Badakhshi, a saint, also influenced him. Dara was taught the Quran and he studied Persian history and poetry. He learned eagerly about other religions from those who came to Shah Jahan’s court.

Question 8: Which books did Dara translate into Persian?

Answer: Dara translated the Bhagvad Gita and the Upanishads into Persian.

Question 9: How was Dara different from his brothers?

Answer: Unlike his brothers, he spent more time in the library than on the battlefield.

Question 10: Read the line and answer the questions:

1. “I am tired or moving tram place to place….”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: Eleven-year-old Dara said these words to his brother, Aurangzeb.

(b) Why did the speaker move from place to place?

Answer: Dara and his family moved from place to place for years because his father, Prince Khurram, had rebelled against his own father, Emperor Jahangir, and so the Emperor’s soldiers pursued them, hoping to capture them.

(c) What was the listener’s response to this statement?

Answer: Eight-year-old Aurangzeb’s response to his brother was that moving around was exciting.

2. “Emperor Jahangir is merciful and kind.”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: The messenger from Emperor Jahangir’s court read out these words of the Emperor to Prince Khurram.

(b) Why had a message been sent to the Emperor?

Answer: When Prince Khurram found that he could not gather enough forces in the Deccan to rebel against his father ‘Emperor Jahangir’, he decided to make peace with his father so he sent a message for the same.

(c) What message had the Emperor sent?

Answer: The Emperor said that he was ready to forgive his son, provided his son surrendered the forts he had captured from him. He also requested that his two grandsons, Aurangzeb and Dara, be raised in his own court.

3. “Welcome, dear children. You have nothing to fear…”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: Emperor Jahangir said these words to his two grandsons, Aurangzeb and Dara.

(b) Where did the speaker live?

Answer: Emperor Jahangir lived in a splendid palace in Agra.

(c) Why did the speaker think that the children were scared?

Answer: Dara looked dazed and nervous. The Emperor understood that the young boys would be afraid of what might happen to them in a strange place without their parents.

Question 11: On what conditions did Emperor Jahangir agree to forgive Prince Khurram?

Answer: Emperor Jahangir agreed to forgive Prince Khurram if he surrendered all the forts he had occupied, and if he sent his two sons to be educated and live in his court.

The Prince Who Loved Books Questions & Answers

Question 12: What kind of life did Dara and Aurangzeb have at their grandfather’s palace?

Answer: The two boys were educated at home. Scholars taught them Persian, Urdu and the religious texts. They were also given thorough lessons in warfare.

Question 13: What did Dara decide to do while he was taking a boat ride?

Answer: As Dara took a boat ride on the Dal Lake, he looked at the hills and told himself that one day he would build a beautiful palace up on the hills and fill it with books.

Question 14: When did Dara’s dream turn into reality?

Answer: Dara’s dream turned into a reality years later when he built Pari Mahal, his library, on the Zabarwan Range overlooking the Dal Lake.

Question 15: What inspired Dara to write the Majma-ul-Bahrain?

Answer: After getting much knowledge about different religion and their faiths and beliefs, he concluded that most of what all the religions taught were the same. Thus, he was inspired to write the book ‘Majma-ul-Bahrain’.

Question 16: Why did Shah Jahan make Dara his heir?

Answer: Shah Jahan was impressed by Dara’s learning and tolerance towards other beliefs, therefore he made him his heir.

Question 17: Dara learnt about different religions, and seeing his knowledge and tolerance towards other beliefs, Shah Jahan declared Dara to be his heir. How, according to you, could these qualities have helped Dara to become a good ruler?

Answer: According to me, a good ruler needs to govern people of different faiths and different attitudes. In order to maintain peace within a state or a country, it is important for a ruler to respect all religions. This will keep the subjects happy, making the work of the ruler easier, thus leading to progress. So, these qualities of Dara could have helped him to become a good ruler.

So, these were The Prince Who Loved Books Questions & Answers.

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