The Quangle Wangle’s Hat Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Quangle Wangle’s Hat Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Edward Lear. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Wind By Subramania Bharati, Song Poem and The Lake Isle of Innisfree so, you can check these posts as well.

The Quangle Wangle’s Hat Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Quangle Wangle, Fimbie, Fowl, Pobble, Dong and Attery Squash – imaginary creatures invented by the poet
  • Beaver hat – a hat made from the fur of a beaver
  • Bibbons – a word invented to rhyme with ribbons
  • Gay – happy
  • Canary – a small, yellow bird known for its singing
  • Charmingly airy – very pleasant because it Is specious and full of fresh air
  • Stork – a tall, white bird with long legs

Question 1: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. The Quangle Wangle’s face was not visible because he wore a large scarf – False
2. The Quangle Wangle was very happy with his life – False
3. Mr and Mrs Canary were very impressed with the Crumpetty Tree – True
4. The Pobble had very large toes – False
5. The Blue Baboon played the flute – True
6. The Orient Calf came from the Land of Truce – False

Question 2: Where did the Quangle Wangle sit?

Answer: The Quangle Wangle sat on the top of the Crumpetty Tree.

Question 3: What hat did the Quangle Wangle wear? Describe its features.

Answer: The Quangle Wangle wore a beaver hat. It was a very large hat, a hundred and two feet wide. It had ribbons on each side. It also had bells, buttons, loops and lace. The hat completely covered the Quangle Wangle’s face.

Question 4: What did the Quangle Wangle love to eat?

Answer: The Quangle Wangle loved to eat jam, jelly and bread.

Question 5: Name any five animals that came to the Crumpetty Tree. What did each of them ask the Quangle Wangle?

Answer: The Stork, the Duck, the Owl, the Snail and the Bumble Bee were some of the animals that came to the Crumpetty Tree. Each of them asked the Quangle Wangle if he would allow them to build their home on his lovely hat.

Question 6: What happened after all the animals had built their homes on the Quangle Wangle’s hat?

Answer: After all the animals had built their homes on the Quangle Wangle’s hat, they had a great time together by the light of the Mulberry moon. They danced to the flute of the Blue Baboon and enjoyed themselves. All of them were very happy to be with the Quangle Wangle Quee.

Question 7: Did you enjoy reading the poem? Which lines, phrases or situations from the poem did you find particularly funny?

Answer: The poem was indeed enjoyable. The lines describing the Quangle Wangle’s hat are very funny. The fact that the hat is described to be 102 feet wide and that no one has ever been able to see the Quangle Wangle’s face as it remains hidden by its gigantic hat add to the humour. Every animal wanting to build a home on the Quangle Wangle’s hat also creates a funny picture as do the phrases ‘The Fimble Fowl, with a corkscrew leg’ and ‘the Dong with a luminous nose’.

Question 8: Read the second and the last stanzas of the poem again. What message do you think the poet is conveying through these lines?

Answer: The Quangle Wangle leads a lonely life on the Crumpetty Tree. In the second stanza of the poem, he bemoans the fact that very few people come to the Crumpetty Tree. He realizes that his life is not very happy. In the last stanza, all the creatures are shown to be dancing and enjoying themselves. The Quangle Wangle is no longer unhappy and lonely. The poet is thus conveying the message that happiness comes only when people live together, celebrate and enjoy each other’s company in a close knit community.

So, these were The Quangle Wangle’s Hat Questions & Answers.

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