The Song From Heaven Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Song From Heaven Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of India At Play, The Mysterious Visitor 2 and The Mysterious Visitor 1 so, you can check these posts as well.

The Song From Heaven Questions & Answers

Question 1: Read the line and answer the questions:

It is not for me father. But for baby, born a while ago to some peasants.

(a) Who said this?

Answer: A peasant woman said this.

(b) What did speaker ask to father Mohr?

Answer: The speaker asked Father Mohr to come with her to bless the newborn child of a peasant couple.

(c) What was father Mohr’s reaction? Why?

Answer: Father Mohr was surprised because he received the news of the newborn baby just when he was reading about the birth of Christ.

Question 2: Read the line and answer the questions:

I have never heard the song before…..Can I learn it?

(a) Who said this to and whom?

Answer: An organ builder said this to Franz Xaver Gruber.

(b) Which song does the speaker refer to here?

Answer: The speaker is referring to the song that Father Mohr had written as a poem and for which Franz Xaver Gruber had composed the music.

(c) Which did the speaker do with the song after he went back?

Answer: After he went back, the speaker gathered the children of his village and taught them the song, which they named ‘Song from Heaven’.

Question 3: Read the line and answer the questions:

Leipzig was a large and big city and the children felt lost and uncomfortable in the crowd.

(a) Who do the children refers to?

Answer: The ‘children’ refers to the four Strasser siblings — Caroline, Joseph Andreas and Amalie.

 (b) Why were the children in the city of Leipzig?

Answer: The children were in the city of Leipzig because their parents who were glovemakers, always travelled northward to Leipzig to sell their wares at the annual trade fair.

(c) What did the children do when they felt homesick?

Answer: When the children felt homesick, they would sing their favourite song ‘Song from Heaven’ to uplift their spirits.

Question 4: What did Father Mohr see when he visited the poor peasants’ hut?

Answer: When Father Mohr visited the poor peasants’ hut, he saw a young mother cradling her infant lovingly.

The Song From Heaven Questions & Answers

Question 5: Why did the Strasser family travel northward to Leipzig every spring?

Answer: The Strasser family were glovemakers and travelled northward to Leipzig every spring to sell their wares at the annual trade fair held there.

Question 6: What happened one day at the fair that delighted the Strasser children?

Answer: The incident that delighted the Strasser children one day at the fair was that the Director General of Music in the kingdom of Saxony invited them to attend a concert that evening.

Question 7: What were the children asked to do at the concert? How did the audience react?

Answer: At the concert, the Director General of Music announced the names of the Strasser siblings and asked them to come up on stage and sing. As the children sang ‘Song from Heaven’, there was a stunned silence, and a moment later, there was a burst of thunderous applause as the audience got to its feet and gave them a standing ovation.

Question 8: What did the King of Saxony ask the Strasser children to do?

Answer: The King of Saxony invited the Strasser siblings to come to his palace and sing ‘Song from Heaven’ at the special Christmas service.

Question 9: Do you think the organ builder had an important role in making the song famous?

Answer: Yes, the organ builder had an important role in making the song famous. Music teacher Franz Xaver Gruber had composed a tune for Father Mohr’s poem. When the organ builder came to repair the church organ, he asked Gruber to play a tune on it and Gruber played the tune to Father Mohr’s poem, as a song. The organ builder listened to it with rapture and learnt it. When he went back to his village, he gathered the children and taught them the song, which also spread to several neighbouring villages.

Eventually, it reached the Strasser siblings, who sang the song in their beautiful voices in Leipzig during the annual trade fair. Their song was much appreciated by the Director General of Music in the Kingdom of Saxony, and he invited them to a concert where they sang it in front of the King and Queen. The King and Queen were so impressed that they invited the Strasser siblings to their palace to sing the song at the special Christmas service. Thus, the organ builder played a small but important part in taking the ‘Song from Heaven’ out of the small village of its origin and spread it in the world.

Question 10: Why do you think the Strasser children felt lost and uncomfortable in the city?

Answer: The Srrasser children visited Leipzig every spring during the annual trade fair so their glovemaker parents could sell their ware in the city. However, they felt lost and uncomfortable in Leipzig because they lived in a valley, Zillertal, whereas Leipig was a large, busy and crowded city. Besides, the children were very young and probably missed their friends and the familiar surroundings of Zillertal, which made them homesick.

So, these were The Song From Heaven Questions & Answers.

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