The Sparrows Get A New Home Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Sparrows Get A New Home Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Don’t Throw The Seeds Away, The Fortunate Pedlar and The Amazing Zoo so, you can check these posts as well.

The Sparrows Get A New Home Questions & Answers

Question 1: Write True or False for the following statements:

1. Rini and her father would draw a to-do list for their garden on Wednesday – False
2. Rini’s father decided to go to the stationery shop – False
3. The sketch that Rini’s father drew looked like a doll’s house – True
4. The small birdhouse was built and placed near the kitchen – False
5. After a few months, the sparrows built a nest in the birdhouse – True
6. Rini and her father saw three sparrows building their nest in the birdhouse – False

Question 2: What did Rini’s father want to buy at the hardware shop?

Answer: Rini’s father wanted to buy plywood and nails from the hardware shop.

Question 3: What did Rini and her father already have in their garden?

Answer: Rini and her father already had tables and benches in their garden.

Question 4: How was the sketch, which Rini’s father showed her different from a doll’s house?

Answer: The sketch was looked like a doll house but, had no doors and windows, just one small round hole in the centre.

Question 5: Why is it difficult for sparrows to find safe nesting places in cities?

Answer: It is difficult for sparrows to find safe nesting places because most of the old houses gave away to high buildings. Then the gardens are small with few trees.

Question 6: Why did Rini and her father watch the sparrows as quietly as mice?

Answer: Rini and her father watched the sparrows as quietly as mice because sparrows may fly away when they get to know the presence of humans.

Question 7: What did the sparrows bring while entering the birdhouse through the round hole?

Answer: The sparrows brought straw and grass while entering the birdhouse through the round hole.

Question 8: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. ‘Some sort of box,’…….’Maybe you’ll grow small plants in it?’

(a) Who says these lines and to whom?

Answer: Rini says these lines to her father.

(b) Is the speaker’s guess correct? If not, what is the box actually for?

Answer: No, the speaker’s guess is not correct. The box was actually for making a birdhouse.

2. ‘Will it help if we build the house?’
‘I hope so…….’

(a) Between whom does the above conversation take place?

Answer: The above conversation takes place between Rinni and her father.

(b) What ‘house’ is the speaker referring to?

Answer: The speaker is referring to a birdhouse.

(c) Whom do they want to help by building the house?

Answer: They want to help the sparrows by building the house.

Question 9: What did Rini and her father do on Friday nights?

Answer: Rini and her father would make a “What to do for the garden” list on Friday nights.

Question 10: Where did Rini’s father say they would get plywood and nails from?

Answer: Rini’s father said they would get plywood and nails from a hardware shop.

Question 11: Do you think Rini’s guess was correct? What do you think the box-like house was for?

Answer: No, Rini’s guess was not correct. The box-like house was for making a birdhouse.

Question 12: Choose the correct options:

What reasons did Rini’s father give for building a house for sparrows?

(a) Sparrows find it difficult to find safe places to build nests in cities.
(b) Sparrows do not like old buildings to nest in.
(c) High buildings have replaced the old ones and there is no place for nests in them.
(d) There are fewer trees in the city gardens than there used to be.

Answer: (a), (c) and (d)

So, these were The Sparrows Get A New Home Questions & Answers.

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