The Story of Louis Braille Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Story of Louis Braille Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Our Visit to the Zoo, A Birthday Party and Fairies so, you can check these posts as well.

The Story of Louis Braille Questions & Answers

Question 1: Louis Braille was born in 1809/1908 (Cross Out the wrong year).

Answer: 1809

Question 2: How old was Louis when he lost his eyesight?

Answer: Louis was three years old when he lost his eyesight.

Question 3: Why did Louis want to join a school with special facilities.

Answer: Louis wanted to join a school with better facilities because he wanted a good education that was especially for blind children.

Question 4: The very tool which caused him go blind could be used to make a raised dot alphabet that would enable him to read.

a. What was the ‘tool’ that caused him to go blind?

Answer: The tool that caused him to go blind was one of his father’s tools used to make leather goods.

b. What led to the idea of creating a raised dot alphabet?

Answer: The alphabet code used by the French army earlier proved cumbersome. So, it was left to Louis to come up with a more efficient method. He realized that he could use the very tool that had left him blind to make raised dot alphabets. Then, he could trace the raised dot alphabets with his fingers and read at a faster pace.

c. Explain how the alphabet works, in your own words.

Answer: The alphabet is made up entirely of six raised dots. The position of the different dots represents the different letters of the alphabet. A person can use his fingers to trace these dot alphabets to read sentences in Braille.

d. What is this alphabet called and why?

Answer: This alphabet is called Braille, named after its inventor Louis Braille.

Question 5: Is the Braille system of reading used today?

Answer: Yes, the Braille system is used to this day.

Question 6: Do you think Louis interest in reading helped him become an inventor?

Answer: Louis’ interest in reading definitely helped push him towards becoming an inventor. His love for reading was so strong and because there were no proper facilities at the time for blind people, he had to pave his own way and come up with his own method.

Question 7: According to you, which character traits exhibited by Louis Braille are important to overcome hardship?

Answer: Louis Braille managed to overcome his hardships by being determined and adaptable. He worked hard at his studies and was intent on getting a good education. He wanted to read as easily and as quickly as those who could see and always thought about ways in which this could be done. When he heard of a code that was being used by the French army to help those who were blind read, he studied it and worked on ways to improve it, and finally managed to come up with his own method, which is used to this day.

So, these were The Story of Louis Braille Questions & Answers.

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