Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Value Of Trust Questions & Answers.
In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Clever Pigeon, The Making Of A Lion and The Courageous Brahmin so, you can check these posts as well.
The Value Of Trust Questions & Answers
Question 1: What did the farmer bring one day?
Answer: One day, the farmer brought a baby mongoose.
Question 2: Where did the farmer find the baby mongoose?
Answer: The farmer found the baby mongoose lying near the roadside.
Question 3: Who started growing together?
Answer: The mongoose and the farmer’s son started growing together.
Question 4: Why was the farmer’s wife fearful always?
Answer: The wife of the farmer was always fearful that the mongoose might harm the child.
Question 5: What did she find on the doorstep one day?
Answer: One day, on the doorstep she found the mongoose. Its mouth was covered with blood.
Question 6: What did she do with the mongoose till its body became lifeless and still?
Answer: She started beating the mongoose and kept raining blows on its head until its body became lifeless and still.
Question 7: Who killed the mongoose and why?
Answer: The farmer’s wife killed the mongoose because she thought that the mongoose had killed her son.
Question 8: Choose the correct option:
1. The woman killed the mongoose with a____________.
(a) stick
(b) rod
(c) cane
2. Who was sleeping peacefully?
(a) The mongoose
(b) The baby son
(c) The farmer
3. ___________ repented at last.
(a) The farmer
(b) The farmer’s wife
(c) The baby
4. One day the farmer’s wife saw the mongoose’s mouth was covered with___________.
(a) a piece of cloth
(b) blood
(c) food
5. The woman’s heart froze when she saw___________.
(a) the mangled snake near her son
(b) her husband angry
(c) blood stained mouth of the mongoose
Question 9: Who said the following?
1. What is this?
Answer: The farmer’s wife said this.
2. It is a baby mongoose.
Answer: The farmer said this.
3. I found it lying near the road side.
Answer: The farmer said this.
4. The mongoose has killed my son.
Answer: The farmer’s wife said this.
5. You have killed my son and now you are showing me his blood.
Answer: The farmer’s wife said this.
So, these were the Questions & Answers.