The Weather Forecast Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Weather Forecast Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Godan, The Prince Who Loved Books and Little Girls Wiser Than Men so, you can check these posts as well.

The Weather Forecast Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why did Mrs Poppet have to wake up J?

Answer: Mrs Poppet had to wake up J because it was nine o’clock and she thought that the men were oversleeping.

Question 2: Why did Harris forget to wake up J?

Answer: Harris did not wake up J because he said that J had not woken him up in the first place.

Question 3: What were J and Harris reminded of when they heard George snore?

Answer: When Harris and J heard George’s snoring, they were suddenly reminded of his existence.

Question 4: Why could George not shave that morning?

Answer: The men had packed their extra toothbrushes, combs and brushes ¡n a bag unknowingly. So, when George wanted his shaving kit, J and Harris told him that they were not going to unpack the bag again.

Question 5: “… but what cared we for human suffering?” What was J referring to?

Answer: George said that he could not go into the city without shaving. Harris and J felt that it would indeed be a horrible sight, but they were not worried about how George’s unshaven face was going to upset people!

Question 6: How was the day going to be according to the weather forecast?

Answer: The weather forecast was that it would rain, be cold, wet to fine, with occasional thunderstorms, east wind and general depression over the Midland Counties.

Question 7: What did the local newspaper say about the weather forecast?

Answer: The local newspaper said heavy showers with thunderstorms could be expected.

The Weather Forecast Questions & Answers

Question 8: How did J and his friends cheer themselves up when the afternoon was nearly over and there was no sign of rain?

Answer: J and his friends would cheer themselves up with the idea that it would suddenly start to rain heavily just as the people outside would start returning home. These people would not be near any shelter and would get more drenched than ever.

Question 9: What happened when J and his friends went out expecting it to be a warm day?

Answer: When J and his friends would go out expecting it to be a warm and sunny day it would start to rain heavily and a bitter cold wind would blow, which would remain throughout the day. They would then return home with colds and rheumatism, and go to bed.

Question 10: What did J think about the barometer?

Answer: J thought the barometer was useless, and as misleading as the weather forecast.

Question 11: What was the problem with the barometer at the hotel?

Answer: When J reached the hotel, the barometer was pointing to ‘set fair’ while it was raining outside. When he tapped it, it jumped up and pointed to ‘very dry’.

Question 12: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. How could I wake you, when you didn’t wake me?” he retorted. “Now we shan’t get on the water till after twelve.”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: Harris said these words to J.

(b) What sort of mood were the speaker and the listener in?

Answer: The speaker and the listener were angry with each other because they woke up late.

(c) Why did the speaker say that they would not be able to get on the water till after twelve?

Answer: George complained that they would not get on the water till after twelve since it was already nine o’clock and the three men needed to get ready and have breakfast before beginning their trip.

2. “Don’t be absurd. How can I go into the City like this?”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: George said these words to Harris and J.

(b) What did the speaker want to do?

Answer: George wanted to shave before going into the City.

(c) Why did the speaker say that the listener was being absurd?

Answer: When Harris and J told George that he would have to go into the City without shaving, George said that it would be ridiculous to go into the City without looking presentable.

3. “Ah!” we said, as we stood looking out at them through the window, “won’t they come home soaked!”

(a) Who said these words?

Answer: J and his friends said these words when they saw people going out even though the weather forecast had predicted heavy showers.

(b) Who are ‘they’ in these lines?

Answer: ‘They’ refer to the people who were passing the house in wagons and coaches.

(c) Why would ‘they’ come home soaked?

Answer: The people would come home soaked as J and his friends had read the weather report which had predicted heavy showers.

Question 13: Why did J and Harris begin to fight?

Answer: Mrs Poppets, the landlady, woke up J at nearly nine o’clock in the morning. J then woke up Harris who told J that he thought J wanted to wake up at six o’clock. J then replied that Harris was supposed to have woken him up, to which Harris replied that he could not do that because J had not woken him up.

The Weather Forecast Questions & Answers

Question 14: Why was the sight of George sleeping so maddening for J?

Answer: George was still sleeping, although he had been the one to ask his friends what time they should be woken up. J also felt angry because while he himself was awake, his friend was asleep!

Question 15: How did J and Harris wake up George?

Answer: J and Harris forgot about their quarrel. They hurried across to where George was sleeping, and throwing the clothes off him, shouted in his ear that it was a quarter to ten.

Question 16: What did the friends remember after they had finished dressing?

Answer: When the three friends finished dressing, they remembered that they had packed their toothbrushes, the brush and comb in the bag, and so they had to go downstairs to look for them in the bag.

Question 17: How did Montmorency and his friends while away time?

Answer: Montmorency, the dog, had invited two other dogs to come and say goodbye to him. The three dogs whiled away their time by fighting on the doorstep.

Question 18: What were J’s reasons for referring to the weather forecasts as a ‘fraud’?

Answer: J felt that the weather forecast always predicted exactly what happened on the previous day or the day before that. Not just that, it predicted exactly the opposite of what the weather was going to be like on a particular day.

Question 19: How was J’s holiday ruined one autumn? Explain in four to five sentences.

Answer: On a holiday in late autumn, the author took the weather report seriously, that predicted heavy showers and so he and his friends did not go on a picnic and stayed indoors, waiting for the rain. But the sun was shining and it was a grand day. So that’s how their holiday was ruined.

Question 20: Why did the narrator say, The weather is a thing that is beyond me altogether. I never understand it?

Answer: When the weather forecast said heavy rain, it never rained. It turned out to be a glorious day, leaving the author and his friends a little bitter about it because they had decided to stay at home. When the weather forecast said it was going to be a fine and warm day, the author and his friends would dress themselves in something flimsy and go out. It would then rain heavily, leaving them with colds and stiffness of the joints. That is why the writer says that the weather is something that cannot be properly understood.

So, these were The Weather Forecast Questions & Answers.

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