The Weaver’s Wish Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Weaver’s Wish Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Hofus The Stone Cutter, My Playmate and Elephant’s Child so, you can check these posts as well.

The Weaver’s Wish Questions & Answers

Question 1: Number these sentences correctly:


…3…The genie gave the weaver more hands so that he could work without the loom.
…5…The weaver realized that the extra hands were not helpful.
…6…The weaver was sorry and wanted his original two hands back.
…4…The weaver decided to work harder using his extra hands.
…1…A weaver searched for wood to repair his loom.
…2…The weaver disturbed a genie living in a tree.

Question 2: Why was the loom important to the weaver?

Answer: The loom was important to the weaver because without it he could not weave cloth to sell and make money to feed his family.

Question 3: What did the weaver do in the jungle the first time?

Answer: The first time the weaver went to the jungle, he spent a long time checking the wood of the trees to find the right one to repair his loom with. He finally identified a tree with branches of a suitable size and strength.

Question 4: Describe how the genie appeared in front of the weaver the first time.

Answer: The first time, the genie appeared in a flash of lightning when the weaver lifted his axe next to the tree that was the genie’s home.

Question 5: What did the weaver tell his family when they looked at him in fright?

Answer: When his family looked at him in fright, he asked them not to worry. He told them that he would be able to work faster and would not even need a loom to weave.

Question 6: What happened when the weaver tried to weave with all his hands?

Answer: When the weaver tried to weave with all his hands, he realized that they were not helpful and gave him a lot of trouble. They were preventing him from working properly.

Question 7: Read these lines and answer the questions:

1. “This is my home.”

(a) Who said this and to whom?

Answer: The genie said this to the weaver.

(b) When did the speaker say this?

Answer: The genie said this before the weaver could use his axe on the tree where the genie lived.

2. You shall have your wish.

(a) What was the wish?

Answer: The weaver said that if he had several hands, he could weave without a loom. This is what the genie took as a wish.

(b) What did the speaker want in return for granting the wish?

Answer: The genie wanted the weaver to return home and not come back to the jungle.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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