The Women Who Saved The Apes Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Women Who Saved The Apes Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Biking, The Garden Surprise and I Stood Against The Window so, you can check these posts as well.

The Women Who Saved The Apes Questions & Answers

Question 1: Match each name with three facts:

1. Jane Goodalla. set up camp in Borneo island at age twenty-five. b. studied gorillas. c. started the Karisoke Research Centre. d. studies orangutans.
2. Dian Fosseye. began her work in Gombe National Park at age twenty-six. f. works with the Orangutan Foundation International. g. leads Roots and Shoots.
3. Birute Galdikash. began her observations ¡n Zaire/Congo at age thirty-four. i. studies chimpanzees.
Answer: 1-e, g, i; 2-b,c,h; 3-a,d,f

Question 2: How many years has Jane Goodall spent studying wild chimpanzees?

Answer: Jane Goodall has spent more than fifty years studying wild chimpanzees.

Question 3: What facts did Goodall discover about chimpanzees?

Answer: Goodall discovered that chimpanzees behaved like humans in many ways. They make and use tools, and express love through hugs, pats, kisses, tickles and so on.

Question 4: For how many long did Dian Fossey study mountain gorillas?

Answer: Dian Fossey studied mountain gorillas for over twenty years.

Question 5: What facts did Fossey prove about gorillas?

Answer: Fossey proved that gorillas are not aggressive but gentle, peaceful and friendly.

Question 6: For how long Birute Galdikas been studying orangutans?

Answer: Birute Galdikas has been studying orangutans for more than forty years.

Question 7: What facts did Galdikas discover about orangutans?

Answer: Galdikas discovered that orangutans have strong family relationships. Mother orangutans take care of their babies for up to eight years and female orangutans often search for food in groups.

Question 8: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. … then sent her to Tanzania to study chimpanzees.

(a) Who sent whom to Tanzania?

Answer: Louis Leakey sent Jane Goodall to Tanzania.

(b) What did she/he ask her to do?

Answer: He asked her to watch the animaIs and note down her observations for him.

2. …she set up camp in the Virunga mountains and used unusual methods…

(a) Who set up camp in Virunga?

Answer: Dian Fossey set up camp in Virunga.

(b) What were her methods?

Answer: She knuckle-walked, chewed on celery, imitated their actions and sounds when near gorillas.

3. She set up camp in very uncomfortable surroundings and began her research…

(a) Who is ‘she’?

Answer: ‘She’ is Birute Galdikas.

(b) What did she research?

Answer: She researched orangutans in their natural habitat.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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